Later today Scotland decides whether to take its destiny in both - TopicsExpress


Later today Scotland decides whether to take its destiny in both of its hands and wrest its independence from the grip of westminster or remain a junior partner in a failed Union which has past its sell by date. all the argument have been aired on both sides and we have been on a journey with independence the final destination. we will find out tomorrow whether we have arrived at that destination. I have had the privilege to have worked with a dedicated team made up of both members of my own family and a band of brothers brought together by a common goal, that goal the independence of our country. We formed one of the many grass roots teams which sprung up all over `scotland and we worked hard , boy we worked hard . We made a difference, there is no doubt about that. Dundee has been named the Yes City. Tomorrow every one has to place their vote as they see fit ,taking into account all of the arguments as they see them. I feel the argument for independence is unanswerable and it will simply put Scotland in the natural state for any country. I feel we will make the right decision, but either way we must get on with the task in hand and that is making Scotland a land fit for our Children and their children. On Friday Morning I have to look my three wonderful Grandchildren in the eye and say I tried my best , I tried my very best . I would like to thank all the wonderful people I have had the privilege of knowing whilst on this tremendous Journey. It is them who have made this all worthwhile. Tonight we marched to the sound of the pipes, it was very special.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:44:20 +0000

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