Latest Messages to The Two Patricks Tuesday 10 June 2014 Come - TopicsExpress


Latest Messages to The Two Patricks Tuesday 10 June 2014 Come to Me, My beloved children. Lift up your hearts to Me and allow Me to guide you on this Path of Truth. The earth is becoming ever darker, My children, and the tide of darkness is sweeping over My Truth. I have Warned you of these things before they have happened; open your eyes now and see My Warnings. Do not allow yourself to be swept away in this tide of sin. I am Coming, children, believe, read the signs of your times and know that I am at hand. If time had not been shortened even you, My elect, would not survive this tide of darkness. Trust in Me. I Love you. The Battle of Love is about to begin in earnest. I Love you. Sunday 22 June 2014 Do not reject Me, My children, in favour of the lies of this world. You are being drawn away from Me by the glitter of lucifer, you are rejecting My Truth in favour of his lies. Read the Words of My Scripture and know that I have already Warned you of these times. All is clear to the one who is willing to seek for they shall truly find My Truth. Wake up, My little ones, and see what I am saying in these Words. The time is close and still you rebel against My Truth. I am your Father and I wish to guide you into the safety of My Fold. Yet, you refuse to see, you refuse to listen, what must I do, must I force you to return? I am a God of Love, a God of Peace and, yes, a God of Justice, I have given you My Love, I have given you My Peace, now you force My Hand in Justice. I will show this earth its rebellion, I shall send forth My Prophets and you shall see the Power of your God, you shall see how you have rejected Me, you shall see that no harm shall befall them until they have fulfilled their days of prophecy. This world shall cry out in pain for Mercy but you shall drink the cup of My Justice for no mercy have you given to My children, no mercy have you given to Me, your God, and you shall see the Truth that you have not wished to see in your blindness. Your greed has blinded you and you are allowing self to control you. You are but puppets of lucifer and you refuse to see. You have forced the Hand of your God; the blood of the innocent mar your streets, your cities are corruptions of lucifer; your towns and villages are infested with evil and still you refuse to see. Idolatry is your way and I will give you what you have birthed in your free will. Prepare, creation, for you are about to see the reality of your God. Repent and return to Me and I will relent. I Love you. Friday 27 June 2014 Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Come, beloved children of My Heart, open your hearts to Me and allow Me to place My Love within you. Do not be afraid, My little ones, for what is to come must happen. Stay close to Me and I will guide you through these times safe within My Heart. I will bring this world to its knees so that it will see what it has done in its evil ways. I will show this world how it has spilt the blood of the innocent, I will reveal sin as it is and how lucifer has guided the peoples of this world like puppets in their pride and blindness. I am Coming, creation, to undo what you have destroyed in your lust and greed. You no longer love your neighbour, you simply love yourselves and have fallen into the darkness of sin. I will give you a time of repentance and you shall know your sin as it truly is in My Sight. If you do not accept this Gift then I shall cut you off and you shall feel the full force of My Justice. Be Warned, creation, you have overstepped the bounds of free will and have given Me the freedom to destroy all that you have wrought in your greed. Prepare, for the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord looms before you. Repent and come walk with Me. I Love you. Monday 30 June 2014 My children, I am calling you to open your eyes and see the truth of what is happening in this world around you. Can you not see the influx of sin into every part of your society? Can you not see the governments of this world bring out laws that corrupt My children into believing that sin is just? Can you not read the signs of your times? Look, My little ones, the Time of Darkness is upon you, the Time of Sin: the beast rises to his full power and soon will smash this world with the force of his power. he believes that he cannot be stopped but, I tell you, children, I prepare My Prophets to do battle with him. Soon you shall see them, soon you shall know the Power of your God. I am not a dead God. I prepare you for this time. I do not leave you orphans. I shall reclaim My flock. My Remnant will know Me: they shall recognise the Words of Life and they, too, shall do battle against the darkness. Prepare, children, prepare! Your time of preparation comes to an end. Prepare! I Love you. Prepare! Sunday 6 July 2014 Come, My beloved children, do not despair of the times that you live in. Even though you see the darkness progress into all parts of your society, know that I am with you. We will win this battle, My children, but we must wait a little longer so that this world will see how it has offended its God. Trust in Me, My children, I am Coming to destroy all evil with the Breath of My Mouth. I shall slay all that is not of Me. Do not despair, My children, My Remnant, for your God is in control. You must simply work in love, sacrifice and prayer so that My children come to see and know Me before it is too late. Soon, I shall reclaim all that has been stolen from Me. Soon, I shall send My Prophets out into this world to prepare the Path of My Coming. Trust in Me, My children, all is not lost. I Love you. Friday 11 July 2014 Come, My people, wake up to the Truth. You are in the dark times, the ‘Time of Sin.’ A time when sin is considered right and just. Sin has become part of your laws, where you go against the law of the country if you do not accept sin but, yet, you go against My Laws if you accept the laws of these corrupt governments. Those who follow Me in these times of darkness will become outcasts, they shall be looked down upon by their friends, family and neighbours because they will not agree with the laws of sin. Look how your society convinces itself that it is not sinful when a man lies with a man or a woman lies with a woman but, I tell you, it is sin. Look how your society tells you that it is not a sin for parents to murder their child within the womb before it is born but, I tell you, it is murder. The countries of this world have become corrupt; My Mother’s prophesies of La Salette come to pass. Prepare, generation, prepare for I am at the door and you are not ready for My Judgement. Repent, I Love you. Tuesday 15 July 2014 My people, I call out to you in Love. I call out so that you will know My Truth, so that you will see what is happening around you. This world grows ever darker with sin and so few are willing to look at what is truly happening. I have given you many Words throughout the centuries and these Words are coming to pass in your days but, you are so unwilling to look that you remain blinded. You have allowed self to take control of you. lucifer spins his web of deceit and you, My children, are allowing yourselves to be caught in this web. I am calling out to you now in these Words to tear yourselves free of the lies of lucifer and see what is happening. Look at My Church: My Truth is being destroyed from within its walls, it is being ground down slowly so that you will accept that, that goes against Me, My Truth and My Laws. The corridors of My Church have become cesspools of sin. Many cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns and brothers no longer follow Me but they follow the web of deceit that lucifer has placed before them. They, in turn, deceive My children with the lies of lucifer that they spew forth from their mouths in order to deceive. I have told you of these times. I have Warned you that these things would happen but still you remain blind. You are in the last seconds of your time and you do not realise it that all is about to end and begin again. Do not be a part of that which must be cleansed. Rise up and see the Truth, My children. I am Coming. I, your Saviour, am Coming to free you from the shackles that lucifer has placed you in. Prepare! I Love you. Thursday 17 July 2014 Children of love, I call out to you in these Words of Love. Let them penetrate your hearts so that you, too, shall know My Truth; so that you, too, may become My Hands, My Feet and My Lips. I am calling out to you, My little ones, in these Words of Love so that you take on My Words in truth and become a soldier of Love. My children are in need, they are dying. Become a beacon, a light, to guide them back to the safety of My Fold. Be the truth that I am calling you to be and do not be afraid for the ‘Time of Grace’ is upon you, the time when I shall send My Prophets into this world and this world shall know My Truth. They shall see that I am not a dead God but I am a God of Power, Love, Truth and Wisdom. Listen, My people, listen, for you are in the ‘Time of Preparation.’ I Love you.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:00:43 +0000

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