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Latest from Bix..... I just received over 100 emails related to Greenspans latest OpEd telling China to BUY GOLD if they want to lead the worlds economic system!! The Golden Rule: Why Beijing is Buying By Alan Greenspan foreignaffairs/articles/142114/alan-greenspan/golden-rule If China were to convert a relatively modest part of its $4 trillion foreign exchange reserves into gold, the countrys currency could take on unexpected strength in todays international financial system. It would be a gamble, of course, for China to use part of its reserves to buy enough gold bullion to displace the United States from its position as the worlds largest holder of monetary gold. (As of spring 2014, U.S. holdings amounted to $328 billion.) But the penalty for being wrong, in terms of lost interest and the cost of storage, would be modest. For the rest of the world, gold prices would certainly rise, but only during the period of accumulation. They would likely fall back once China reached its goal. END Yes, the rest of the world is scratching their heads concerning Greenspans coming out about gold again. Even ZeroHedge seems a little confused... Why China is Hoarding Gold: Alan Greenspan Explains by Zerohedge zerohedge/news/2014-09-30/why-china-hoarding-gold-alan-greenspan-explains Remember when instead of pontificating on and explaining the consequences of three decades of devastating, ruinous, irresponsible Fed policies, and eagerly sharing ideas on how to fix these unfixable problems, Alan Greenspan was the primary culprit behind everything that is now wrong and broken with the worlds financial system? Oh, and also was not an Austrian economist? Good times. Today we bring you the other Greenspan: the one who is blissfully unaware that, almost singlehandedly, he destroyed western capitalism, which is now living day to day, on borrowed time from one central bank printer to another. Ironically, the topic of his most recent Op-Ed for the Council of Foreign Relations Foreign Affairs magazine, is none other than the default Kryptonite to every central banker, himself included if only a decade or so ago: gold. END STOP PEOPLE!!! This is NOT a mystery flip from Alan Greenspan but rather a very carefully planned out transition that began in the 1960s as cooked up by Greenspan and his mentor, Fed Chairman Arthur Burns, to destroy the fiat system thus forcing a return to a TRUE Gold Standard!! I laid it all out in January 2007 and if you havent read it yet here it is... Greenspans Golden Secret by Bix Weir roadtoroota/public/101.cfm January 2007... This book is part detective story. Alan Greenspan -- First Line Back Cover of The Age Of Turbulence No truer words have been spoken when examining this book or the rhyme and reason behind the life and career of Alan Greenspan. He is a mystery wrapped in an enigma...or is he? A life long admirer, student and follower of Ayn Rand, Greenspan spent his early years as an economist trumpeting the virtues of sound money and value of a gold standard. Midway through his career, though, Greenspan abruptly pulls a 180 degree philosophical change of conviction to embrace the fiat money, welfare system that he so vehemently despised in earlier writings. Not only did he embrace fiat money, but he used and abused it to a degree which steered us down the path of irreversible self destruction. What came over him? How does such an intelligent and seemingly honest human being become so corrupt as to use and abuse the monetary system of the entire world further enriching the wealthy and abusing the poor? Or should I ask a deeper question... Could he have done it all on purpose? I contend in this article that Alan Greenspan learned from ex Federal Reserve Chairman and mentor Arthur Burns how the banking cartel stole the global monetary system from the people. This knowledge has been his lifelong obsession and he has finally devised a way back to the Gold Standard by orchestrating the pending destruction of the fiat money system. END We are long past the time for the TRUTH to be exposed. It is time to awaken the masses to the long term manipulation of our markets via computer programs started in the 1960s by Alan Greenspan and Stephen Devaux. It is time to EXPOSE ROOTA!! May the Road you choose be the Right Road. Bix Weir RoadtoRoota
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:51:21 +0000

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