Latest from HK Edgerton PDF files will be added in comments Dear - TopicsExpress


Latest from HK Edgerton PDF files will be added in comments Dear Ms. Lunelle, On Monday morning at 8:00 AM, May 27, 2013, ( Memorial Day ), donned in the uniform of the Southern soldier, I would post his Colors over the bypass bridge of Interstate 40 at the Farmers Market exist in West Asheville, N.C. I would spend some three hours waving at the many vehicles below the bridge, and the same on the bridge while also taking pictures and accepting the many accolades for recognizing on this day; the Confederate soldier who too is an American Veteran. Shortly before noon , two middle age white men would approach me on the bridge. Mr. Edgerton, holding out his hand, one would state. I have a proposition for you. Skip, bring the envelope, he motion to the other fellow. Put that flag away . and never post it again, and you can get an envelope just like this every Friday for the rest of your life. He open it as wide as he could. It was filled with $100 bills. This was the third time I had been approached with this kind of unholy proposition. With the $1.67 that I had in my pocket , and the quarter tank of gas in the van, I bade them both a Christian Southern adieu. At noon, I would make my way to the monument of Confederate Officer , and War Between the States Governor Zebulon Vance in the center of downtown Asheville, at Pack Square. I would once again post the Southern Cross, answer many questions , and take many pictures from the many who would stop. On this day, it had been a great day in Dixie. For the next three weeks, I would literally go from house to house in West Tennessee speaking to mostly Black folks about the injustice heaped upon our Southern families in regards to the Southern Cross, the structures erected in remembrance of their task in defending our homeland that had been illegally invaded, and the lewd disregard for justice that the judiciary heaped upon those like Paul McClaren and the seven men of Richmond, Virginia which escalated even more when those of us who claim to love our homeland; the Southland of America, super glued our pockets and watched the despair of the legal team as the day was lost. and to make matters worse, those who we stood against; baked cakes and pies, fried chicken and fish, washed cars, sold tin cans, even had the audacity to raffle off a picture of me to fund their legal expenses. On one such evening, as I had always done, I would tell those gathered about young Candice Hardwick, a young Southern heroine whose life had been turned up side down primarily because she had the gumption to make a Stand for the dry bones of her ancestors and of all those who like them fought under the Southern Cross. I would tell them that her Counselor, the Honorable Kirk D. Lyons now feared she too would suffer the fate of Mr. McClaren ; no support as her Case now makes its way to a place that those who have fought this battle for so long in the judiciary have longed to go to fight this American injustice heaped upon the Southland of America and the memories of those freed or indentured, Red, Yellow, Black and White ;" the Supreme Court ". I have include two letters that I wrote to the North Carolina State President, and the Regional Director of the Southeast Regional Office of the NAACP because one of the participants of those gathered would accuse me of being in trouble with the NAACP over funds that I had taken. I had not wanted to address this lie out until chapter one of my memoirs. Those gathered would pledge two hundred dollars for the Hardwick Case and ask that it be made in the name of the Black friends of the Honorable Paul McClaren. On Monday morning June 24, 2013, I would make my way to the home of the Honorable Jerry Rodgers, in Fairview, North Carolina, and speak to a group that would include folks who my grandmother had served as a nanny and cook for. I was most impressed by the 10 year old grand son of Mr. Rodgers who gave me a history lesson on the causes of the War of Northern Aggression to the delight of his older sister Kimberly. I want to thank those who have made it possible for me to enter another venue for the vindication of an American wrong as I make my way from house to house championing my Southern family and the memories of those who made a Stand in Dixieland as family. God bless you. Your brother, HK
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 02:25:45 +0000

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