Latest from Wings. Julie Webster of the Maryhill Food Bank, - TopicsExpress


Latest from Wings. Julie Webster of the Maryhill Food Bank, quoted in the Evening Times, 28 June 2014: “I have worked in social work for 20 years, so I am pretty hardened but we had a family come in on a Tuesday at 3pm having not eaten since the ­previous Friday. There had been a problem with benefits and because it was a Bank Holiday weekend the mum had no money for food for her or her two children. I watched the mum pick up and put down can after can, wondering what she doing, before I realised she was looking for one with a ring pull. She ripped the top off and starting eating the beans with her hands, she was so hungry. At that point I had to go to the toilets and have a cry.” The best of both worlds? As good as it gets? UK OK? Better together? Welcome to Scotlands future if we vote No!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:18:10 +0000

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