Latest on Bold Gate - Thats me told, I will reply - TopicsExpress


Latest on Bold Gate - Thats me told, I will reply tomorrow!! Dear Mrs. Docherty, Thank for answering our questions. The high quality soft Scottish water is fully compatible with all our laundry detergents. Thousands of Scottish consumers buy Bold liquitabs every week without reporting an unpleasant smell in their clothes. It’s hard to give you a full reply without additional details to cases which have not been reported to us directly. We deal with complaints individually as personal circumstances can apply to each one of them; in the case of your friends and relatives, they have to report possible issues with Bold lavender and camomile liquitabs to us by email or phone. To comply with data protection laws, we kindly ask you not to send us personal details of third parties not involved directly in your case. The right dosage for normal soil clothes washed in a 5- 6 kg washing machine with soft or medium water is one liquitab. In the case of your friend who lived in London, depending on the capacity of the washing machine and how soil the clothes were, he could have used two liquitabs instead of one due to the hardness of the water in the London area. To remove the odour from the garments you only need to rewash them with the hottest water safe for the fabric (check care labels), using the recommended amount of detergent and fabric softener. There is no need to throw the garments out as your friend did. Unpleasant odours in garments are usually caused by not enough product used or from dirt build up in the washing machine. If the capacity of your washing machine is bigger than 6kg, you should be using two liquitabs instead of one. Bacteria can build up in the machine’s pipes and hoses, causing malodour smells in it over time. A regular service wash – every 4 to 6 weeks - will help stop the machine smelling. To run a service wash you only need to program the machine for a 60/90ºC cotton wash cycle, leave the machine empty, add one scoop of regular powder or 2 powder ttablets and let the cycle run to completion. You may need to do more than one maintenance wash. If you constantly use detergents which do not contain bleach (liquitabs, liquids, gels & colour products) at a low temperature in short cycles (hand wash or quick wash) we would recommend you carry out a monthly maintenance wash. To avoid unpleasant odours in garments, we also recommend you not to overload the washing machine, use smaller loads, especially when using high absorbent items such as towels, start wash soon after putting the clothes in the washing machine and keep its door slightly open when not in use. As a good will gesture we would like to reimburse you £10 for the box of Bold lavender and camomile you bought. We can only proceed with the reimbursement by electronic transfer. This means we would need your bank account number and sort code to proceed with the transfer. It is a one time and safe procedure and I can assure you we do not keep any details in our system. I would therefore ask you to call us on our Freephone number: 0800 716 854, quoting reference number 21718886 at your earliest convenience. The lines are open between the hours of 8.00 and 5.00, Monday to Friday where one of our advisors will be available to take your call and reimburse you the £10. If it is not possible for you to phone us, we would be happy to call you. If you let me have a note of your number and a convenient contact time within office hours I will get in touch with you. Please do not send your bank details by email. Kind regards, Raquel
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:14:16 +0000

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