Latest video in the Life Interrupted Series: After Pearl - TopicsExpress


Latest video in the Life Interrupted Series: After Pearl Harbor, Lily Yamamoto and her family were forced from their farm in Sacramento, California, and sent to an internment camp in Arkansas. In this interview, Yamamoto shares her family’s experience, from having 10 days to leave home and sell their belongings to her brothers’ enlistment in the U.S. Army. This clip is a selection from an hour and a half interview of Yamamoto for the documentary _Time of Fear_ which shared the stories of Japanese American who were interned in Arkansas during the war. Yamamoto was among 110,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans who were sent to internment camps under Franklin D. Roosevelts Executive Order 9066. Signed on Feb. 19, 1942, the order granted the U. S. government authority to relocate both citizens and non-citizens based on the fear that anyone with Japanese ancestry was a potential spy or saboteur. This interview is a part of UALRs Center for Arkansas History and Cultures collection, Life Interrupted. Every month, the Center will release a new interview clip, leading up to our exhibit on Japanese American internment in Arkansas, which will open in September 2014.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:00:02 +0000

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