Latin America, Caribbean demand UN to end with wars and sow - TopicsExpress


Latin America, Caribbean demand UN to end with wars and sow peace One cannot fight terrorism by waging war, commented Argentinas president Cristina Fernandez during her address to the 69º General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, held in New York, United States, this week. Referring to warmongering plans on behalf of some UN member nations against others, president Fernandez criticized that there are always bloodbaths in the battles against terrorism, so she called on thinking deeply about the need for the UN to retrieve its leadership to contribute with the fight on terror and so leave our children a much better world. This voice was supported by the presidents of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro; Brazil, Dilma Rousseff; Chile, Michelle Bachelet; Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto; Bolivia, Evo Morales; Dominican Republic, Danilo Medina; Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solis; and Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez. Peace Alliance Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro called on building a new United Nations Organization for peace. We believe that instead of bombing and bombing, amid a mad logic, we have to make a great alliance of peace against terrorism, respecting sovereign governments in all regions, the President emphasized. In addition, president Maduro pleaded for respect to international law. Its not the threat of using force what will take us to stable peace. No, its the international law which will take us to a total peace, he stressed. Against Interventions The interventionist policies undertaken by the United States in countries as Iraq and Syria have been questioned by Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, since these actions distance the world from reaching peace. Every military intervention does not allow to move towards peace, we see though that conflicts get worse with serious humanitarian consequences, Rousseff warned. The Brazilian President also referred to the genocide committed by Israel against the Gaza Strip, between July and August, when the army of that country murdered over 2,000 people, most of them children, women and elders. The systematic massacre of Syrian and Palestinian people shows us there are more and more conflicts with an increasing number of victims, Rousseff noted. Security Councils Reform The same as her Venezuelan counterpart, Chilean president Michelle Bachelet raised the need of reforming the United Nations Security Council. Reforming the Security Council is a pending task that demands political and soon action, said Bachelet, adding that though this agency has made contributions to tackle and prevent world crises, in many opportunities, unfortunately, the Council has not been able to act with unity among its members. As a matter of fact, she said that instability and lack of social cohesion threaten global peace, safety, democracy, human rights and development. We think that we have to be careful with the principle of territorial integrity and also watch the right of the minorities. We think its possible a solution that prevents an escalate of violence, sanctions and tensions that might extend along the world, the Chilean President said. In turn, Costa Rican president Luis Guillermo Solis also remarked the necessity of having the Security Council to prevent violence and conflicts in the world, and he demanded to establish a culture of international peace. Costa Ricans are astonished of the way, invoking the principle of sovereignty, some permanent members of the UN Security Council have prevented its intervention when it should had acted to prevent bloodbaths, Solis said. Similarly, he reaffirmed our call to permanent members to use the veto especially in situations of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and mass violations to human rights. Peace Operations Mexican forces and civilians are going to take part on UN operations to maintain peace, informed the president of this country, Enrique Peña Nieto. My country is willing to be part of this transformation. Its decided to evolve with the United Nations, said Peña Nieto, reported a Mexican newspaper. Peña Nieto detailed that Mexico supports and praises operations to maintain peace, a UN instrument that helps countries to overcome their conflicts and create conditions for a lasting peace, through actions of reconstruction and humanitarian assistance. US Spreads Death Bolivian president Evo Morales commented that the United States interventionist policy above other nations brings misery and destruction to the population. The invasion on Iraq (2003), added to other historic events, have taught us that wherever the United States intervene, it leaves destruction, hatred, misery and death. But it also leaves richness in hands of transnational companies, Morales warned during his address to the UN. Also, the Bolivian President questioned the terrorist actions carried out against the Syrian people and the support received by terrorist groups in that country on behalf of western powers. War against war is not the same as peace. its an evil formula of death and endless confrontation, he stated. We must solve the structural causes of war, marginalization, poverty, lack of opportunities, cultural, political and social exclusion, discrimination, inequality, seizure of lands, merciless capitalism and dictatorship of capitalisms interests. A Call to Foster Peace President of the Dominican Republic, Danilo Medina, called on his counterparts at the UN assembly to foster peace, development and make health and education a right for all citizens. Medina commented that fostering economic development among nations will allow to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. For instance, he said that there are still taken firm steps to fight poverty and inequality in the Dominican Republic
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:18:11 +0000

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