Laughing at my old posts!! Its on YOU to Choose, Its Not on You - TopicsExpress


Laughing at my old posts!! Its on YOU to Choose, Its Not on You to JUDGE. Dear Halalgal: My boyfriend of 2 years really gets on my nerves sometimes. He stays out late with his friends when he should be home with me and there are so many times he doesnt answer my calls when I know hes available. What if something were REALLY wrong and I needed to talk to him or have him come help me? Why does he just abandon me like this? Should I stay with someone like him or just go my own way? Please help. Melanie J., California _____________________________________ Thanks Melanie for the question. Well, Ive gotta tell ya... I dont think you have the guts to go your own way. It seems as though you are extremely needy and need a man who is more controlling of you. Im not sure of your age, but it sounds like youre pretty young and in need of your own social life. Look at it this way: if this guy is too busy hanging out with his buddies to acknowledge your calls and pleas for help, then he either doesnt give a damn or is really keen on you just being a drama queen and seeking his attention (which goes back to he doesnt give a damn). Hes independent and outgoing; maybe even out for himself. You play too convenient and most men really dont like that. I think most guys like to know their gal is independent and living life on her own terms... as long as shes saving the nah-nah for HIM ONLY --and gives him the attention he needs when he seeks it (selfish). So, dont call him anymore. Let him go. If he comes back to you -and youve REALLY changed your style- then you two should be able to work out a loving, respectful relationship based on trust, agreed-upon guidelines and independence --as well as cooperation. And, if you dont call anymore or break your neck looking for him in-the-daylight-with-a-flashlight, and he doesnt even notice... then it wasnt meant to be anyway. Bottom line: CHOOSE a better life for Melanie. Dont JUDGE his actions. You have free will and dont need permission to live your best life! Do YOU, honey! (read Russell Simmons book, Do YOU!) Dont beg, whine and complain. If he aint feelin you, he aint feelin you. Move on. Pray for guidance and breathe. Get a grip on yourself and stop being needy and embarassing; God made you better than THAT! Besides, your real man, will come and GET you! You wont have to chase down a man who is interested in you; he will let himself be known. Thanks again for the question! And As Always, First Ask God, then Ask Me!! Get you some girlfriends and have some fun... -halal gal Posted 20th April 2011 by Halal_Gal
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 05:49:46 +0000

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