Laura is spreading pure Republican ignorance. The concept she now - TopicsExpress


Laura is spreading pure Republican ignorance. The concept she now so decries was conceived in 1987 by the ultra rightist/Libertarian Heritage Foundation think tank. This is the one founded and originally funded by reactionary right wing super billionaire David H.Koch. Money from Koch and his brother, Charles G. Koch, still partially funds the foundation. They have a combined fortune of over $100 billion and both are propagandists for the John Birch Society. Their father, Fred C. Koch, was one of the co-founders of the Birch Society. The concept -- a mandate that everybody would have to buy health insurance and government would subsidize those who didnt have high enough income -- was the Republican alternative: to President Bill Clintons Hillarycare in 1993. They continued pushing it until 2009 when President Barack Obama adopted THEIR PLAN. Suddenly after 22 years of backing it -- those who pushed it for 22 years -- FreedomWorks IS A GOOD EXAMPLE -- sent out their goons to question whether if was constitutional and claimed it was the root of all evil and that it was a total government takeover of healthcare and socialized medicine, It was enacted by Mitt Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts when he worked with the late Democratic healthcare guru, Sen. Teddy Kennedy to get it through the Massachusetts Legislature. Its working great as just about every resident in the Bay State is insured, costs have gone down and the plan has a 75 percent approval rating. The reason our healthcare is the most expensive in the world is that we are the only significant industrial country without universal healthcare. And despite spending the most money -- our rationed system, until Obamacare we rationed millions of people (best estimates are 50 million) were uninsured -- we ranked 37th in the world in quality, Just like cars when you don;t maintain human beings emergency care is the most expensive, Laura criticism is perfectly OK, but if you want to knock somebody like Harry Reid at least get his first name right.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:21:48 +0000

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