Lauren had another good day! We started off with treatment over at - TopicsExpress


Lauren had another good day! We started off with treatment over at UW and that went really well! We then came back and relaxed and did some laundry before Lauren had her weekly labs drawn. Still having trouble finding her veins :( so we went to a different area and this guy was able to find a vein so quickly! I wish we could just keep him in our back pocket for when we need him! Lauren did care for this because our first nurse tried to feel around and didnt want to poke her if she wasnt positive she would get it so she sent us to the main lab to get her blood drawn, but that consisted of Lauren having to walk across the hospital with 4 heat packs wrapped around her arms (she looked a little funny haha) But once we got that taken care of we met with her nurse to talk about how she was doing with her meds. So that was nice to finally get some questions answered to help her feel better (Lauren didnt really care for it because she had to wait in the room that much longer) but hopefully a couple of new meds will make her want to eat a lot more! And the nurse also went over all of Laurens blood counts which all looked normal! So that is good! Oh and Uncle Daniel and Aunt Susan came to see Lauren at dinner and gave her some nice comforting gifts that will help with her nausea! And took us on a little tour and showed mom where there grandparents lived and showed us some good places to eat. He even treated us to some ice cream!! So tomorrow we have PT and treatment and then we are on to Friday!!!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 05:33:43 +0000

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