Law School Humor: Justice Thomas is out with another book. Now - TopicsExpress


Law School Humor: Justice Thomas is out with another book. Now my OUIJA board doesnt work because all the ghosts have writers cramp. How many law clerks does it take to change Clarence Thomas light bulb? One to beg for permission to change the bulb and another to explain to the Justice that a new bulb will not alter the fundamental nature of light Clarence Thomas was once asked by a Zen Master What is the sound of one hand clapping? Thomas looked puzzled: the hand dead or alive? The Master bowed. At a law conference, Clarence Thomas found himself sightseeing with a couple of legal scholars, one was Hindu, the other Jewish. Their GPS broke and they got lost and they ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. They walked to a nearby farm house which had no means of communication. They had to spend the night. The Farmer offered them a small room with two single beds, meaning one of them would have to sleep in the barn. The elderly Hindu offered to sleep in the barn and the issue was settled. As Clarence and his colleague were settling in, there was suddenly a banging on the door to the room. When the door opened, their companion was standing outside looking distraught. I am sorry, he said, ...but there is a cow standing next to the hay-bed and I am unable to abide her presence... The Jewish colleague quickly raised his hand and said, Peace, my friend, I will happily take your place... As the relieved scholar and Clarence settled in, there was a terrific banging on the door. Clarence opened the door and their companion was outside looking disheveled. dear Colleagues, I am sorry, but there is a pig standing next to the cow staring at me and making all sorts of awful noises. I cannot abide the presence of a pig. Both of his companions stared at Clarence. Reluctantly, Clarence departed for the barn. As Clarences companions began to settle in, there was suddenly a terrible pounding at the door. When they opened it they saw the Pig and the Cow standing outside...
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 22:49:25 +0000

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