Laynie Roland November 9 at 11:15pm · Portland, OR · - TopicsExpress


Laynie Roland November 9 at 11:15pm · Portland, OR · Edited Heres what I just posted over at 60 Minutes regarding the new VA Head Honcho: 100,000 of my closest friends and family and I were exposed to severe toxic chemicals at Ft McClellan in Anniston, Alabama between 1932 and 1999 until the post was finally closed by the EPA. There is a house bill that is not (purposefully) being addressed that needs your IMMEDIATE attention. It is HR411. Its sister and brother bill, HR 4816 and HR5484 are also waiting for someone to take action. All three bills that would require the Government to not only admit that we were dangerously exposed to not only Monsantos oopsies, but to the massive amount of toxins that we drank, ate, bathed, washed, trained, breathed, sloshed and slogged through. We are men and women that are literally dying from the inside out - where do I begin?? Auto-immune deceases, whole / partial body (head to toe) neuropathy, multiple cancers, asthma, COPD, degenerative disks, reproductive issues severe enough to cause radical hysterectomies at very early ages as well as endometriosis and ovarian cysts (that weigh over 2 pounds in some cases), teeth that crumble or break off, high anxiety, severe depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, gallbladders that look like a handful of black mush when removed, diabetes, prostrate and testicular cancers, tinnitus, hearing loss, vision loss, odd shaped moles and lesions, rashes, dry skin, hair loss, ...And those are just some of the major issues we face EVERY DAY!! And then there are the mutated genes that have been passed down to our children and grandchildren! Autism (some extremely severe), deformed babies, miscarriages, tumors on their bodies in strange places, anger disorders, just to name a few ....Gosh, my head is exploding from all of the things that our government knew they were exposing us to but did nothing about!!! There are two pages - TWO PAGES!! - of extreme toxic chemicals that we were exposed to - Agent Orange, Agent White, Agent Blue, PCBs, TCEs, the list goes on and on! The side effects and symptoms are horrendous! We have over 80 Co-Sponsors to our bills now - What we need from you is a HUGE PUSH to make them happen - Camp Lejeune already has been recognized as the 2nd most toxic station in the world - Ft McClellan is NUMBER ONE! We (my military family) have already sent in our emails to 60 Minutes at 60m@cbsnews and literally flooded their emails this past Friday - The three top execs had to put out a reply that said they had to forward our emails to the above email because we caused such an uproar. So again, we ask you Sir, WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR US?? When we stated our oath and signed on the line of that check made out to our country that said we would defend it until our dying breath, we had no idea that it would be at the hands of our own government. Thank you for your time and urgent consideration. Sincerely, ALL Ft McClellan Veterans...
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:29:16 +0000

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