Le Figaro, le 23 Jul. 2013 La chronique de Renaud Girard - TopicsExpress


Le Figaro, le 23 Jul. 2013 La chronique de Renaud Girard Because they are no longer able to mobilize large crowds, the Muslim Brotherhood are now reduced to organize small events surprises at strategic points in Cairo (bridges, highway interchanges, etc..). Creating traffic jams, exerting controlled nuisance, the Brotherhood is desperate to show that it exists, it must always be reckoned with. The reality is that the vast majority of Egyptians have turned the page and, for them, the government of their country by the Brothers of the past. If the current activism of the Brotherhood has something pathetic, it is because it has not yet succeeded - with its leaders on the run - to forge a new strategy. It now seems completely stunned. It is true that she cashed three uppercuts in the space of a few months, without ever anticipated. First blow: the refusal of the economy to go back to early 2013. Second blow, from the month of May 2013: the alliance of disaffected within the "Tamarod" ("Rebellion") movement, a movement that will grow at supersonic speed, up to the street more than 10 million June 30, 2013 citizens across Egypt to demand President Muslim Brother Mohammed Morsi he "releases". Third shot unanticipated fist intervention of the army, July 3, 2013, to remove the duly elected president and to stimulate the rapid emergence of a technocratic transitional civilian government. The error Morsi was to believe that the votes received in the 2012 elections were all declarations of love for Islamist ideology The eviction, after one year in power, the Muslim Brotherhood is a historical phenomenon. Founded in 1922, the Brotherhood was by far the best organized party in Egypt, to the more militant and disciplined. Three major lessons can already be learned from this failure. First lesson: the ideological government takes more from the Arab masses. The error Morsi - and its leader, Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood Mohammed Badie - was to believe that the votes received in the 2012 elections were all declarations of love for once invented by the teacher Islamist ideology Hassan al-Banna to fight against the "moral corruption" from England. The reality is that the Egyptians had voted against the representatives of the old regime and for Freedom and Justice Party (electoral window Brothers) who had the merit of not from corrupt officials among its leaders. The people are asked Morsi an honest and efficient management of the country. Instead, he gave them the ideology, by trying all the tips to trim the rights of women and Christians. The Egyptians are extremely pious majority, and the current head of the country, General Sissi is very religious. But they do not see their piety as aggressive and they can not stand being told how to pray, how to dress, how to behave in family or society. The devout Muslim is interested in his personal relationship with God, while the Muslim Brotherhood is obsessed with God against his neighbor. The Egyptians asked the Morsi government competence and honesty to advance the country. He gave them the impression of being more interested in the ummah to Egypt, and he quickly became hated by the very nationalistic people. Second lesson: partisanship is no longer tolerated by the people for any organization having reached the pinnacle of power. Not only the brothers failed to create a sacred union open to Coptic Christians, Liberal, Nasserist, but they also failed to make the unity of all Islamists in Egypt. When he announced the deposition of Morsi, General Sissi, at his side, the Coptic Pope, the rector of al-Azhar University (Sunni scholar and liberal personality), but also the leader of the Salafist party al-Nour . The long passage underground of the Brotherhood in the years of Nasserism triumph gave her habits sect, it has not been able to throw away once I got down to business. Third lesson: the Egyptians are uninhibited; think that foreign influences are more. All the money in Qatar and across the political support of an America obsessed with stability were powerless to keep the brothers in power. Does this mean that the future will be easy with the current coalition of liberals, military, Nasserist, the Salafists? Of course not. But this combination of ideology, sectarianism and foreign influence defeat marks for long political life of the oldest and largest in the Arab world. (google translate)
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 07:18:14 +0000

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