Le premier article de ma fille Amira dans le Journal tunisien - TopicsExpress


Le premier article de ma fille Amira dans le Journal tunisien rédigé en Anglais était un test pour elle permettant dévaluer ses capacités par la direction du Journal...Le résultat de ce test était satisfaisant et Amira est désormais Journaliste officielle dans ce journal et elle écrira désormais régulièrement chaque jour...Bien sur jinviterais ma fille à visiter le domaine dathlétisme et écrira sur ce grand sport Olympique... Voici ci-après son 2eme article qui parle sur la dernière situation politique du Pays The Suspension of the National Dialogue: the aftermath. Posted on Nov 7 2013 - 7:33pm by Amira Ouardani « PREVIOUS | 267 Political tension reflected negatively on the lives of Tunisians, increased social and economic confusion and dispatched a general atmosphere of pessimism. The recent arduous negotiations that lasted more than ten days were not even able to help reach a compromise on having both an independent Prime Minister and a new government that supersedes Ali Arayedh’s polity that has been confronting several unprecedented setbacks in several fields including the economic, security-related and social ones. Despite the suspension of political dialogue -which was initiated few days ago in order to end the crisis and hold new elections- the Tunisian president Moncef Marzouki expressed a considerable optimism when talking about the permanence of his country “on the path to democracy”. After his talks with the French president Francois Hollande yesterday in Paris-France, Marzouki added that despite the difficulties and shortcomings that are taking place nowadays in Tunisia, the democratic process is moving forward. He also called on politicians to try to find solutions to their differences as soon as possible, describing this period as a “critical” one through professing that “We are facing a triple challenge in Tunisia: an economic challenge for the development of young people, a democratic establishment for having a democratic state, and a security challenge since we also face terrorism.” In the same context, the Department of Communication at the Presidency denied in a statement distributed yesterday evening the argument raised by some of the recent media reports concerning Marzouki’s support for a particular PM candidate. Yet, tension has returned to the political arena in Tunisia between the ruling and opposition Troika following the announcement of suspension of dialogue, where accusations and indictments between Nidaa Tunis, the Popular Front and Al-Nahdha movements began to rise. The leader of the Popular Front Monji Rahoui stated that El-Nahdha is endeavoring to impose Ahmed Mestiri as a head of the government without making consensus, noting that the fact that his is 88 years old “does not qualify him to take responsibility in this difficult circumstance.” On the other hand, El-Nahdha movement spokesman Zied Al-Adhari revealed that the opposition is “the one that imposed a candidate from among the characters for which there is no consensus” adding that Mestiri is the “most efficient for the success of this transitional phase.” As opposition MPs withdrew one more time from the National Constituent Assembly due to the stumble of the national dialogue on one hand and the return of enticements at the Assembly on the other hand. Bio Latest Posts Amira Ouardani International Relations student email: ouardaniamira@gmail
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:41:39 +0000

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