Le top 50 des sionistes 1. Binyamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of - TopicsExpress


Le top 50 des sionistes 1. Binyamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel 2. Ben Bernanke The chairman of the US Federal Reserve. 3. Rahm Emanuel White House chief of staff. 4. Sergey Brin Founder of Google 5. Shai Agassi Founder of Better Place 6. Dominique Strauss-Kahn Head of the International Monetary Fund The IMF played a key role in the recent European decision to pass a trillion-dollar plan to aid Greece. 7. Shimon Peres President of Israel 8. David Axelrod Senior White House Adviser 9. Alan Dershowitz Law professor, Israel advocate 10. Elena Kagan US Supreme Court nominee 11. Alan Solow Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations 12. Ehud Barak Defense Minister 13. Irwin Cotler Canadian MP, human rights activist 14. Michael Bloomberg Mayor of New York 15. Bernard Kouchner Foreign Minister, France 16. Gabi Ashkenazi IDF Chief of General Staff 17. Stanley Fischer Bank of Israel Governor 18. Avigdor Lieberman Foreign Minister 19. Sheldon Adelson Entrepreneur and philanthropist 20. Dorit Beinisch Supreme Court President 21. Natan Sharansky Jewish Agency Chairman 22. Ruth Bader Ginsburg US Supreme Court Justice 23. Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Founder 24. Moshe Kantor ECG President 25. Michael Steinhardt Investor and philanthropist 26. Mortimer Zuckerman Publisher 27. Ronald Lauder WJC President 28. Larry Ellison Oracle founder 29. Ruth Arnon Biochemist 30. Elie Wiesel Writer 31. Steven Spielberg Filmmaker 32. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Chief Rabbi, UK 33. Jeff Zucker CEO of NBC Universal 34. Joseph Lieberman US Senator 35. Eric Cantor US Congressman 36. Lee Rosenberg President of AIPAC 37. Richard Goldstone International jurist 38. Thomas Friedman Columnist 39. Haim Saban Media magnate 40. Jeremy Ben-Ami J Street Executive Director 41. Shari Arison Bank of Hapoalim owner 42. Simone Veil French politician 43. Irving Moskowitz US tycoon, settler supporter 44. Gill Marcus Bank Governor, South Africa 45. Bernard-Henri Lévy Philosopher 46. Bob Dylan Musician 47. Roman Abramovitch Investor, Chelsea FC owner 48. Sacha Baron Cohen Comedian 49. Lucian Freud Artist 50. Omri Casspi Basketball player
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 01:06:33 +0000

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