Lead By Example. How often do I screw this up? I am prone to - TopicsExpress


Lead By Example. How often do I screw this up? I am prone to raising my voice when agitated. The other day Ausia got mad at Aaryon and she got SO mad and yelled at him and stomped off fulled vexed. Yes, I was doing a little lol to see her little temper, but moreso I was thinking she got that from me, and I felt bad. FRIENDS who communicate with me via text or phone (all 2 of you lol) My current situation has me turning my phone OFF between 4-9pm when Im home w/the kids on a school night. That and raising my voice when my kids bicker or when Ive had to repeat myself.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:24:27 +0000

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