Lead Your Leadership by: Bill Bratt The topic of Leadership has - TopicsExpress


Lead Your Leadership by: Bill Bratt The topic of Leadership has always been an interesting topic for me. I was involved in our Church’s Spokesman’s Club for several years and learned a lot of techniques for public speaking. The one theme that was stressed was that we were going to be leaders in the Kingdom Age when Jesus returns. We will rule with Him for a thousand years and we will be leaders, kings and priests (Revelation 5:10.) Let’s take a brief look at how we can LEAD our Leadership. Learn to be a Leader Our first point is point "L" - Learn to be a leader. How do we do that? You can read books and articles on leadership. There are many styles of leadership. You might be an effective leader in one situation and not another, depending upon your leadership style and the leadership situation. If you have had the opportunity to be a leader among your co-workers, you would understand that some co-workers are easier to lead and work with than others. There is always the possibility that one co-worker will be very difficult to get along with. There are many attributes and attitudes that can affect your leadership style. Ponder the following questions: Are you pleasant, friendly, tense, distant, cold, supportive, boring, quarrelsome, cheerful, open, trustworthy, considerate, nasty, agreeable, sincere and kind? Public speaking can be very helpful if you want to be a leader. You can join a Toastmaster’s Club or take a speech class at your local college or university. You will learn many techniques in how to organize a speech and how to deliver it. This will help you to gain confidence and get over being frightened at the idea of giving a speech before a group of live people. Set the Right Example Our second point is point "E" - Set the right EXAMPLE. How do you set the right example? You can start by following in the steps of Jesus (1 Peter 2:21) by living as He would live. You can always ask the question: "What Would Jesus Do? How do you know what Jesus would do? You will have to read the Bible, especially the first four books of the New Testament which contains the words of Jesus. There is one very important instruction that Jesus gives us and the apostle John quotes Jesus as saying: "If you love Me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15 NKJV.) Jesus kept God’s Commandments perfectly without sin (Hebrews 4:15) and He wants us to also try to keep God’s law. In order to set the right example we must keep God’s Ten Commandments. God’s law is a law about relationships. It gives us the foundation principles of how to get along with our neighbors and our fellow man. (It also tells us how to have a proper relationship with God.) A good leader must be righteous and do what is right. How do you know what is right unless you base your actions upon God’s law, knowing that "all thy (God’s) commandments are righteousness" (Psalms 119:172 KJV.) We all can detect leaders who have set a bad example. We all can recall our former president of our country who set a bad example. But we have to determine in our minds that we want to set a good example and be a light to the world (Matthew 5:14-16.) Setting the right example is part of our character. Our character concerns our actions, behavior, conduct, reputation, and our moral nature and holiness before God (1 Peter 1:15-16.) Be Apprisiable Our third point is point "A" - Be Apprisiable. APPRISE implies communicating something of special interest or importance - to keep us apprised and informed of the situation. A leader must communicate with the people that he is leading. Communication is a fundamental element of leadership. A leader must be able to transmit information, verbally or written, and exchange the information to others. He must be clear in his communication and do it without being offensive, vulgar, blasphemous, malicious or evil. A leader should speak as Jesus did without guile and deceit (1 Peter 2;1,22.) Make Wise Decisions Our fourth point is point "D" - Make Wise Decisions. Life is full of decisions, some small and some big. A decision is the act of reaching a conclusion or making up one’s mind and then the passing on of judgment on an issue under consideration. To make wise decisions we must ascertain the problem. What is the problem? Get all of the facts. Write the problem down on a piece of paper. Do your research and try to get answers to the problem. Evaluate the problem. Don’t be afraid to take the problem to God in prayer and ask His help and direction. You can also study your Bible to find answers to your problems so you can make wise decisions. Accept input from other people, remember that there is safety in a multitude of counselors (Proverbs 11:14; 24:6.) Don’t forget to use some common sense in evaluating the problem. Make the decision. Stick with your decision. Perseverance is one of the seven laws of success. Communicate your decision. You must be able to explain why you made the decision and you must be helpful to others in carrying out your decision. In conclusion: Take time to LEAD your leadership: Learn to be a leader, set the right example, be apprisiable (communicate well) and make wise decisions. A good leader must develop the capacity to lead so others can follow.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 00:04:14 +0000

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