Leaders In and Out of Temples These failed acts of leadership - TopicsExpress


Leaders In and Out of Temples These failed acts of leadership are equivalent to the so-called civil rights leaders, leading people down the road of the Civil Rights Act, of which was struck down as unconstitutional. Yet people still march about it in ignorance. The children are state property children being killed like animals in the street because they were not guided to know anything about, or have any honor of their mothers and fathers, who are the mothers and fathers of civilization and civilization principles. They have not been made aware that they themselves are all law divinely manifested in the flesh. They, then, are prime for the modern foreign European squatters and their documented intent to live out their religious purpose, which is to murder them and commit birthright theft under threat, duress and coercion methods today. They re-member they were in slavery, at the hands of the Brutish (British) Moors, and were not treated well and they do not want to go back to that position, nor would they, if they would be law abiding, instead of violating the law and ignoring the American National Constitution, which is the compact designed to preserve, protect, and secure everyone’s rights and bring the Peace we all say we seek. It is important for Moors to re-member who they are. This is NOT the ancestral estate of foreign Europeans who admittedly came over on slave boats, on the Mayflower, at the instructions of Queen Isabella, or via Ellis Island and any other way they could escape their tyranny, as they look for a place to squat. It is all written and documented truth, however their public education has not been applied to tell that truth to our children. What they are learning is the “12 Years A Slave Programming”. These foreign Europeans who are violating the natural people are the ones who came to someone else’s land on boats, and they refuse to follow the law of the land, which is what freed them. They want to enslave the people who agreed and assisted in their freeing. Read the letter from Benjamin Bannekar to Ben Franklin, 1791 he mentions same to them in that letter. We need NOT allow them to tell us what they want us to know about Benjamin Bannekar, which is what they are posed now to do since we believe whatever they say and we do not study for ourselves, and do not teach our own. Also read the letter from George Washington to the Sultan of Morocco, 1789, wherein you will see we assisted them, and established the constitution for them, as the law to follow and enforce on the land. Both letters are found on the ‘Forgotten Scrolls’ page of the site. These are some of the truths that were not taught in the corporate state public schools that we send our children to and believe it is the law to do so. Since they know we don’t know any better, they have created fake laws wherein they will fine you and put you in jail if you don’t send YOUR children to their ’12 Years A Slave Program”. Now we can begin to recognize the importance of our obligation to our children, and at the very least, tell them the truth of their heritage and their true place in history. Prophet Noble Drew Ali pointed you in the direction of your illustrious history as Moors (before a MSTA Temple was established), when he wrote “Message To America”, and 7 talked about the wonderful buildings, such as the Al Humbra and the Taj Mahal, that Moors built. We can now understand why they are all over what you teach YOUR child and why they insist on providing a curriculum to YOUR child, one which is a dumbed down and lacking truth of their heritage and their place in history, giving them no sense of pride. Upon study, we found that heritage and history and it was never really hidden. Clearly these modern Europeans are feigning to be what and who they are not, as it pertains to having any jurisdiction over your ancestral estate or over you. Your Birthrights cannot be bought, cannot be sold and cannot be transferred, therefore are fixed in nature and there is nothing anyone can do to change that, not even paperwork can change that truth, and thank goodness that no one can change another’s descent nature. To Conclude: Things would be quite different if Moors would declare their status and claim their estate via birthright, and stop acting out as if this land is the ancestral estate and inheritance of foreigners, colonist, pilgrims who came on boats as slaves, beggars, friars and thieves. We trust all will rise to a civilized position in truth, as the truth does not change, nor pass away. If you do nothing else, declare your nationality and take your place amongst the affairs of man, your status determines your relationship to the community, but it is not a mere relationship, it is a legal one. Common law is International law, it is not corporate state law, or policy, not county or municipal (roman) law. You are not a member / citizen of any corporate state. Enforce the Law of YOUR land, if you don’t, you cannot expect anyone else to respect it. You would think any so-called leader would know that. Do not confuse your inherent civil Liberties with any civil rights act. There is no excuse for so-called leaders, in or out of the Temple to lead you to do so, and there ought be no more time for them because time is unity, and if they are not willing to be unified, the universe will afford them no longer. Disclaimer: This information carries no debate and is very clear. Get to thinking and free yourself, be yourself and become better members of society by re-membering. Courtesy of R.V. Bey Publications in Association with Moors Heritage and History School
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:57:55 +0000

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