Leaders dont have the luxury of often times telling everybody - TopicsExpress


Leaders dont have the luxury of often times telling everybody everything they feel. A great leaders not going to go into battle and say: Guys, this is the day... The enemy is here... Everything is set... Theyre launching their offensive right now... But, I have a cold sore, and I didnt sleep really good last night, and I kind of am a little bit down today, and I know their rockets in the air, but I just dont feel it today... When their rockets in the air, its time to fight, and you rise up to that moment. Well, what I would say is: The enemies rockets are in the air. And so, there are days that I dont feel great. There are days that I feel discouraged. There are days I want to quit. There are days that I feel incredibly down and defeated. But, I dont think, for me, walking into a room and saying: Alright everybody, I just got to keep it real today. I have chosen a new keep-it-real, and the new keep-it-real is: Yeah, I do feel a little bit down today, but Jesus is alive. I do feel a little bit down today, but there has been a resurrection from the dead. And I feel like we live in a culture that wants to make authenticity mean I have to say everything I feel right now. And I feel like I want to be a part of a culture that says authenticity is Jesus really is risen from the dead. Right now. And He really does have power, authority, and dominion over hell. Right now. And He really does live in me. Right now. So, when I am weak, then I am strong, because His grace is sufficient for me. Thats just a different kind of leadership. I think that kind of leadership ultimately inspires people. It does annoy some people because they feel like youre creating a culture of excitement and of hype, but I think its hype if Jesus is dead. If Jesus is dead and were trying to pump it up, I think its hype. But if Jesus is alive, then its real. And I think that all comes out of this confidence in the Gospel, which isnt about how I get to Heaven; its about how I woke up this morning. I am not dead today. Im alive today. I couldve been dead today. I shouldve been dead today. But Im alive today. And if you start there, you dont get it right, you have down days. I do. I have very frustrated days. I have days that I end the day and Im thinking: Man, there was more complaining in that day than there needed to be. But if you START with the Gospel, LIVE in the Gospel, then the Gospel comes OUT of you. And I think the Gospel BIRTHS worship. Psalm 40. When He lifted me up out of that pit, He put a new song in my mouth. So, if people want to see worship in their lives, and in the lives of the people around them, you have to live in the Gospel, which is were not dead. By the grace of God, were alive. [ Powerful words from Louie Giglio. ] #LeadWorshipWell. #INeededThisJustAsMuchAsYouDo. #TRUTH.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:22:10 +0000

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