Leadership Consciousness Leaders are the people, who make - TopicsExpress


Leadership Consciousness Leaders are the people, who make excellent utilization of the available resources to bring about desired results by choosing to act in a certain manner in any given set of circumstances. These people are great communicators and are always prompt at making decisions. However, they continue to stick on the path they choose, no matter how difficult that becomes during the course of time, this aspect of their personality maintains, even magnifies the soul of the leader that breathes the light in them. True leaders have a propensity to provide guidance, they supports, they bring about love and peace in the lives of others, they make people feel comfortable in their presence, they always help lift the morale in others and they are always dependable and trustworthy. Their basic objective is ‘long term development of the people’ and enabling people to adapt change easily, to become prosperous and to develop as most honored and effective individuals. Strength and self confidence of a leader, is an exceptionally imperative dynamic and it originates from self certainty of genuine consciousness and true concern for others. Transformational leadership in an organization may be defined as the extent to which a manager is seen as charismatic, as treating each subordinate as an individual, and as intellectually stimulating. Leadership is important not just in one’s own career, within a small organization, it is important in each and every sector in each and every situation, where one possesses the right to make a choice, type of leadership, can make all the difference, anywhere. Currently, there is far greater need of exemplary leaders, leaders that can unite humanity and keep the human kind ignited with the fire to continue to work for the betterment of all and everything. Leadership is not the private reserve of only the elite, charismatic women and men. It is a specialized and complex process, set of rules and regulations, like an exceptional tool kit could be utilized by ordinary people, in order to bring forth the very best from within their being and in within others. Greatest leaders of all times are practically capable of making extraordinary things to be manifested in the world to be evidenced, by utilizing the ‘Greatest Principle’ of creating a leader within everyone. The Leadership confront, is all about the manner through which leaders mobilize others in order to obtain extraordinary results. It’s about the practices that leaders use to transform values into actions and visions into realities. Handling obstacles towards innovations, changing separateness into uniformity and conversion of risks into rewards. Leadership creates the climate, wherein people turn challenging opportunities into remarkable successes. Certainly there are no shortages of challenging opportunities today. In these extraordinary times, the challenges seem to be increasing and through our responses we have the potential to profoundly change the world in which we live and work. Fundamentals of leadership are the same as they were centuries ago, however the contextual aspect is continuously shifting, making leadership far more challenging with passage of time. The current course of extreme uncertainty across the world and connection of the whole world as a close system is a significant aspect. One of the past major changes that were faced by the world at large, included that aspect where English language became the language of Business, understood and utilized as the medium of communication no matter what in terms of accent, custom or culture. Electronic linkages, played vital role in connecting people and bringing the world closer and nearer, providing it a style in respect of Global Civilization of the Human Kind. Global leadership means global understanding of the way of leading in the world that is divided in small but potentially powerful fragments. Therefore, the major challenge for any sort of leadership lies in uniting such diverse and disparate constituency through effective utilization of universal principles of love, harmony and peace and all can be done, on an individual level as well as on Grand or Major level, bringing all humanity together for the betterment of all and everything that is relevant and essential for life to continue on this planet. Currently, there is no such thing as a stable, uniform workforce. Diverse society brings diverse workforce along-with a demand for more customized approach towards work. Embracing individual uniqueness and converting the same into wholeness, creating asset out of differentials and identification/understanding of a common purpose or objective for all are challenging situations, whereby a leader utilizes her/his craft of creativity that works like magic and that is the characteristic of True Leadership. Leaders create commitment by treating the most temporary workers with perfect dignity, letting them feel heightened self esteem and treat them with respect. Speed, is the direct consequence of the recent technological advancements, that are occurring on a rather faster pace and has resulted in bringing about fastness in daily lives and has indeed lowered costs also. But we cannot utilize this concept in terms of achieving goals, getting real actual experiences as to which, shortcuts has not been invented by our genius current scientists and most likely, such intangible precious things will never be created, as they are simply irreplaceable. This include establishment of sustainable Institutions as well. Speed cannot transform a layman into a CEO instantly, or it cannot make a person enlightened without having proper knowledge and relevant practical implications of the same. This explains and extends that no matter how developed our leadership becomes, there will always be opportunities, disguised in forms of challenges and difficulties and some things may remain a mystery till indefinite time. LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES & CHALLENGES: Motivating Factors. Knowledge and foresightedness. Vision. Continuous improvement. Creating more joy and celebration in daily and routine tasks and efforts. Allowing innovations. Individual Character and Personality Building. Handling courage of convictions. Course of action at a state of being the best. Individual leadership standards and development of qualities for excellence, that never ends and keeps on going. Identification of patterns of success. Enhancement of leadership capabilities. Providing excellent guidance in a given set of circumstances. Excellent example setting. Inspiring others. Bring people together for a common goal and steady continuation of the same process. Handling and minimizing risk factors, in better ways. Establishing consistent and determined teams. Establishment of Institutions that survive over time. Sharing power and information and simultaneously maintaining balance. Building healthy communities. Finally, leadership development could be understood as the actual development of the self on practical basis.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 03:59:13 +0000

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