Leadership Empowerment 2014 Day1 by Selvum Moses - TopicsExpress


Leadership Empowerment 2014 Day1 by Selvum Moses Paradigm Many times we cannot advance in the Kingdom of God because of peoples mind sets When we start in the flesh , we end in the flesh ! But when something is birthed in the spirit ... We live and die in the spirit. Another word for PARADIGM is TRANSFORMED The day we gave our hearts to God, a transformation happened From unrighteous to righteous From takers to givers From hearers to doers From people of the world to people of God From self centered to Christ centered From lovers of the flesh to lovers of the Spirit From independent to interdependent From inevitable death to eternal life It is absolutely important that we renew our minds by reading of the Word of God We need to desire more than the superficial ! Thats why we sometimes want the Pastor / Leaders to work according to what we see , our carnal eyes... But little do we know that they see way different than we do Almost every significant breakthrough is a result of a courageous break with traditional (mundane) ways of thinking In scientific circles, dramatic transformations, revolutions of thought, great leaps of understanding, and sudden liberations from old limits... Thats called Paradigm Shifts A paradigm shift takes place when we begin to think, act and believe in a new way Metermorphesis- to change to another form/ process Through everything God takes us through we have to look different A paradigm is not a small step... Its a quantum leap! A 360 degree turn Its like putting on a pair of glasses To see things in Gods eyes Mediocre - routine/Norm/Moderate/ Low in quality Mundane - secular/ ordinary/everyday/ common place/ day to day LORD I VOW THAT I WILL NOT BE ANY OF THESE WORDS...I REFUSE TO BE THIS !!!! These types of people are the biggest hindrances We want great results but we engaging in the 2 Ms Issues the 2 Ms bring about: 1. Intimidation 2. Insecurity 3. Jealousy 4. Copy Cats 5. Competitions 6. Clicks 7. Absconding and Sherking What lies behind us ,what lies before us ...are tiny matters compared to what lies within us !!!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 04:08:53 +0000

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