Leadership Forgive me for frequently writing on leadership, its - TopicsExpress


Leadership Forgive me for frequently writing on leadership, its a subject I am fond of and that I think has been gravely misrepresented. Now a true leader is one who can have a conversation with a fool and make the fool thinks he is one of them and be willing and gladly to take foolish orders from you. Same thing with children, a leader is one individual who can talk with a child and have mutual agreement. Leadership doesnt see itself as better than the people it is leading. Rather it believes in group effort or colectivism. The difference is that the leader doesnt become the fool or the child. He merely understand their plight and their line of though. Another writer say his dream is to be able sell ice to eskimos. Is your story believable to the constituency you lead? The idea behind leadership as said by another is being able to be 2 faceted. Being a worm and a bird at the same time. A worm works the soil. It become a part of it so must a leader. The challenge is the absence of a panoramic view. In that regard the leader must become a bird and have a clear view of the situation. Leadership is not a name. Its an art. It takes deliberate effort to master it. Have you mastered it? Lets live the idea of being leaders. We aspire to lead. Do you? Good morning #northernlights#pt kulinji kalulu#leadership#
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:49:51 +0000

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