Leadership: INDIVIDUALS OR INSTITUTIONS. Waxaan halkan ku soo - TopicsExpress


Leadership: INDIVIDUALS OR INSTITUTIONS. Waxaan halkan ku soo bandhigey Qeybtii 1 aad, ee Qoraalkii:- Respected elder ALTAF GAUHAR, His Article on Leadership and the inter-Action there of between individuals and institutions. LEADERSHIP: is familiar phenomenon through the concept is not easy to grasp. The head of family is a natural leader as is the chief of a tribe. Historically, leadership has emerged as a dynastic trait which is passed on from father to son. This is inheritable trait resulted in the emergency of monarchy as an institution which provided the most acceptable form of leadership. Monarchy, which established the tradition of dynastic rule, served as the most effective institution of governance until the end of 17th century. It took another two hundred years to replace dynastic rule by the rule of law according to the will of the people. Despite all the changes the institution of monarchy and the tradition of personal rule still survive in many parts of the world in one form or another. Somalia has been in the grip of personal rule since 1960’s as independent State. Leadership is essentially a quality associated with an individual who manifest itself in the possession and exercise of power. Beginning with the class room a student is chosen to act as the perfect who shows signs of leadership. The perfect is selected by the teacher but he retains his position so long as his class-mates have confidence in him. He loses his position when his class-mates come to suspect his conduct or find his decisions unfair. In sports, leadership is seized by an individual through open and fair competition and qualities of skill, courage and determination make one a champion is disqualified if it is found that he used unfair means to found that he used unfair means to gain an edge over his competitors. Political leadership when it is not inherited is often gained through charisma and popularity and the ability to guide the people through difficult circumstances. Two conditions sustain leadership: Willing acceptance of the people and rigid accountability. These conditions are not always observed because leadership has often been imposed and Maintained through force. But such leadership is ultimately rejected and overthrown. FEW LEADERS IN HISTORY HAVE HONORED THEIR PROMISE OR COME UP TO TH EXPECTATIONS OF THE PEOPLE. THAT IS WHY THE PEOPLE HAVE TRANSFERRED THE POWER OF GOVERNANCE TO INSTITUTIONS RATHER THAN RELYING ON INDIVIDUALS. No one has exercised greater power and influence as leader of mankind than the prophets. Islam brought the tradition of prophet-hood to an end when Muhammad (Peace be upon him) took that tradition to its final destination. After that mankind was assumed to have reached a stage of intellectual and physical development when it could manage its affairs without having to rely on divine revelation. One would have assumed that after that the Muslims would have played a pioneering tole in the liberation of mankind, which they did during the early years of their history, but ironically they are today more willing to submit to authoritarian rule than the democratic countries of the west. Qeybaha kale, Waa Soo bandhigidoonaa- Haddii Eebe Noogu Hiiliyo.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 13:08:41 +0000

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