Leadership and Faith: Having Faith Is Essential To The Betterment - TopicsExpress


Leadership and Faith: Having Faith Is Essential To The Betterment Of Society by Dr. Mario Barrett What Is Faith? I know that when I speak of faith, many of you automatically think of religion or the notion of a higher power, which is fine. But, what I mean by faith is more than simply believing in a particular religion or believing in a higher power. No, faith in this context is founded on the notion that you will be able to overcome lifes challenges and leave the world better than you found it because of your belief in an entity or idea larger than yourself. Whether your faith is guided by religious underpinnings, belief in nature, an idea, a particular worldview, or a higher power, it is your intimate relationship with these entities that serve as thy rod and thy staff when dealing with lifes challenges in pursuit of this outcome. Many of us look at faith in a very simple way. We often cling to a particular religion, God, or worldview without ever really utilizing our faith as a foundation for our daily lives. For example, many of us attend weekly religious services as though we are punching in our time clocks at work. However, does this practice mean we have faith? Does the fact that you attend religious services mean that you have put your faith in the entity that your religion subscribes to? If yes, how so? How does your faith in this entity show up in your daily life? What is its influence, if any? Faith is based solely on belief, not proof. Therefore, do you believe what you say you believe in? And, how does that manifest itself in your life? Finally, how do you translate your faith (in whatever entity you choose) into you servicing the betterment of humanity? A strong sense of faith in something greater than ourselves allows us to take on tasks, struggles, and burdens that appear insurmountable. Faith provides clarity and direction, where there is none. You may ask, what should I have faith in? The answer to this question is personal and only you can answer it, not your parents, religious leader, boss, or favorite celebrity. Nevertheless, it is a question worth answering, as faith in nothing will leave you at the mercy of every possible distraction known to man. And when I say faith, I mean more than saying you believe in something larger than yourself and simply going through the motions. I mean believing so much that you look to your faith as your foundation. It is that faith that will carry you when you are not strong enough to carry yourself. To Successfully Meet The Challenges Of Your Calling You Must Have Faith In... Whatever your skills or talents, use them to uplift humanity. What else are you going to do with your time on earth? Buy another house? Go to another party? Hmm, maybe be of service to another? You can choose to simply just exist, but trust me that leads to an unfulfilling life. Armed with faith you can aim for your higher purpose and access your greater self. Armed with faith you can add to this world as long as you believe that you can. Now, there are many people that do not believe in a higher power, and that is fine. However, regardless of your religious or spiritual views, you must have faith in something if for no other reason than to simply make it through the day in this sometimes-crazy world. Whether you have faith in your fellow man, religion, a higher power, an idea, a particular worldview, or nature, we all must walk with faith if we intend on succeeding in making this world more humane. What faith do you walk with?
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 13:36:57 +0000

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