Leanne Woodland Very Good message. With the United States - TopicsExpress


Leanne Woodland Very Good message. With the United States government mobilizing to live up to expectations that it would eventually find justification for the bombing, destruction, and occupation of Syria, those of us who’ve overcome the fear propaganda of the security state are forced to watch in unspeakable sadness as the resources of this nation are again stolen by our geo-political chess masters. The institutions that we so faithfully support with our tax dollars are once again demonstrating their disinterest in serving us, opting instead for blood in foreign lands, off on some veiled agenda of the elites, leaving America to toil in ruin. The expenditures of the American war machine are totally insane. The United States has the unprecedented capacity to initiate crippling conflict on any of it’s target nations in a span of days, not weeks or months. This speaks volumes about the concerted potential of the American people to inversely positively affect the world, yet, we find ourselves again helpless, while our vast intellectual and material wealth is being commandeered to harm others rather than to improve things in the homeland. One wonders how great life in America could be if our national priorities hadn’t been totally hijacked by psychopaths, but, since they have, and since we no longer have recourse, redress, law, Congress, procedure, or anything else to stand in the way of the war criminals, any indulgence over the prospect of American potential is a daydream right now, another distraction from true concerns. - See more at: wakingtimes/2013/08/27/3-things-more-critical-to-americans-than-bombing-syrians/#sthash.EL3u7vbL.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 20:34:04 +0000

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