Learn to ask for forgiveness when u are wrong. Stop pointing - TopicsExpress


Learn to ask for forgiveness when u are wrong. Stop pointing fingers or giving reasons when u have to ask for forgiveness. Wrong is wrong. Asking for forgiveness is a remedy. U dont do any1 a favor but u do urself a favor. Once u ask for forgiveness learn to forgive urself so that u can make peace with the past. If u ask for forgiveness and u are never forgiven, is not u who has a problem but a person who doesnt forgive. Why the Lord forgives when we ask forgoverness? Is because He feels good after forgiving us our sins and transgressions and He loves us. So we have to learn to be bold enough to ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness is a good thing. When u ask for forgiveness doesnt mean u are stupid or a coward, but it display good character and it cures the inner man. So if u have wronged some1 just ask for forgiveness from the bottom of ur heart. Remember that forgiveness is the key word. Forgive and ask for forgiveness. I like this Jesus Christ is Lord.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:37:59 +0000

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