Learn what no Pastor, Theologian or Biblical scholar can tell you - TopicsExpress


Learn what no Pastor, Theologian or Biblical scholar can tell you about The Tribulation, because they do not know. Read the newly-discovered shocking secrets that have been buried beneath the Sumerian language and the pages of the Bible for thousands of years. This is not hype and not some slick ad to try to get you to buy a book. This information has never been revealed.and is more important than anything youve ever learned. Thats just the way it is. You see, it was hidden long ago as we are told it would be in Daniel 12:4 and concealed by God to be discovered by Kings, as it says it would be in Proverbs 25:2. This is why McQuate means Son Of Rule. That verse in Daniel was written 2,600 years ago. Christianity was founded 2,000 years ago and because the truth was only to be revealed at the time of the End, what Christianity has been teaching for 2,000 years is mixed with lies, just as Jesus prophesied. If youre a Christian and think you know the truth (which most of you do), you are deluded. This is not to hurt your feelings, but you need to know the truth. II Thessalonians 2:11 tells you that you would be deluded when it says there would be a Strong delusion brought on by God, that would cause you to believe a lie BECAUSE you did not love the truth. Arguing against this fact only makes you look contentious and serves to prove that you are, indeed deluded. The word Strong in that verse means something that affects the masses, and Christians are no exception. You do not believe the truth, because its been hidden, as the Bible says. What youve believed are doctrines that have been written by the Scribes and mixed with leaven or lies. This is why Jesus warned about the Scribes and Pharisees and their leaven which he called hypocrisy over and over again, such as in Matthew where he warned about them 7 times in a row. But this is something you dont want to hear, because it disrupts your pre-conceived idea of what Christianity is. But if it could be proven that Jesus never founded Christianity, you would think differently; and this is precisely the case. He said I come in my Fathers name and you receive me not. If another come IN HIS OWN NAME him you will receive. This was a prophetic warning of what would happen when we rejected the Truth (Jesus) and Christianity is the result of that rejection. Believe it or dont. I personally dont care. You can argue and whine and complain and continue to be the primary catalyst to the tyranny taking place in America, because, once again, you dont know the truth. But if any of you DO want the truth and would like to know actually know HOW to come out of her in reference to Mystery Babylon, I would strongly suggest you listen to what I am telling you. Every time some dogmatic Christian barges into one of my posts or videos and starts blathering on about some Bible verse that they dont even understand, I make mince-meat out of them. I have shredded more doctrinal nonsense and destroyed more rhetoric than I can remember and it happens every time. Dont quote the Bible because, as a fact, you DO NOT know what it means. As an authority on the subject, I am not suggesting that you entertain the idea that you dont understand it, I am teaching you a fact. You DO NOT understand the Bible. Until you do, unless you want a Biblical brow-beating, do not bring your Americanized understanding of Jewish Fables into my house. You will be kicked out whimpering with your tale between your legs when you do, when you are whipped with the truth. I do it nicely, but I always do it because the truth always wins over the lies, just as the Way of Jesus will triumph in the near future. You are getting a taste of it now when you hear me speak and when you read my books. We dont like authority in America. We dont like to be told what to do. We dont like discipline; and there are many tell-tale signs of this destructive attitude all throughout our society. (Not the least of which are the attitudes and behaviors of vile, rebellious children.) It has infected every facet of the world, beginning with Judeo-Christianity in America. There is a line that has been drawn and you are now being given a choice with whom it is that you will stand. You will stand with Democracy, Religion and Commerce and serve them or you will stand with the truth. The choice is up to you. You can learn the truth for the first time at TheTribulation Watch the video on the page and get ready for the journey of a lifetime.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:50:48 +0000

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