Learned a valuable lesson today. Actually Already Knew it. Its - TopicsExpress


Learned a valuable lesson today. Actually Already Knew it. Its that benefits of the doubt thing and a clear conscience thing. You know, give someone the benefits of a doubt. Did that over and over and over in my last long term relationship. Always saying to myself, its worth one more try. Worth one more try. Worth one more try. When in reality, it is usually not. Give them the benefits of a doubt usually should suffice once. If no progress, probably not going to any, anyway. But a big heart, a loving heart always says its worth one more try. Funny. Its not me proving me wrong. Its them. But if one takes that position, someone or many someones will come along and say stop blaming it all on someone else. Hello. Reality check, I just hate drama and really easy for me to move on. But a person will come back begging for another chance. I can not be cold hearted like that so I do. If I say no. Move on. Problem over. But a warm heart finds it nearly impossible to do. So you do. Another chance, and another chance and another chance and another chance, etc etc etc. So people say forget your past and the drama and move on, move forward. Then the person comes back tells you how ruthless you are. How you never loved them. Or get this. How you never gave them another chance. After giving more than you can count. What I truly dont get. I never did the celebrity thing at all on here on FB. Never. Till just about a year or a year and a half ago. One celeb singer. That was it. Actually followed her about three to three and half years. Was like her biggest fan. Shortly after accepting she most likely would never take time out her day to personally ever even say hello face to face, I said, ok never mind. Just go back to being extremely introverted and reserved. Then pow. I fell again. Beautiful young singer. But said hang it up. Your way to old for her. That likely the same results as last time around, you never meet her face to face. She wouldnt give you the time of day. But then she made a video directly related to a post I made a comment on. Seems it was directed at me. So I did believe that for a long long long time. Disillusion or not. I was hopefully and madly in love with her. If we lose our dreams, what have we got left? Like if every one.......is allowed to pursue their dreams but me? So I remain hopefully optimistic and positive. Have not done anything spontaneous like that, like falling in love with a woman like that since my early 20s. So I did not fault myself for it. Things happen. People fall in love. Never ever did FB with that intent in mind. Surprised me as much as anyone. Did the online dating site for like 6 or 7 years. Did not give up. I just believed it was the NSA messing with me. But my page kept showing signs of being hacked. Then my passwords being changed and it wasnt me doing it. So I gave up on that and just started having fun on FB. Eventually bringing me here where I am today. Avoided celebrity persons. But now my profile feed is full of them. The hacking of my page/profile has gone through the roof. Once again, I cant even simply support pages anymore without controversy. The Ferguson incident I became extremely vocal. Not really taking sides. Yet giving minor support for figure heads involved. Not because I agreed with their agendas. But because principles of their earlier involvement in various movements decades ago helped pave the way for a variety of outcomes. To greater or lesser degrees. Like them or not like them. They had a impact on our society, like it or not. But as usual, someone takes my position and principles way way way out of context. But, for me in my life experience, what is new? Really never took sides. Just standing on what I believe is just and fair. My point of views, my perspective. I am all about due process of the law. When that is violated, the law is either void, or extremely bias or corrupt. Since taking that stand. Which I feel is just, fair. And extremely well balanced. But since my position is about fair play and balanced justice, that makes me fair game for not taking a side in this struggle. When the law is not working or fair, picking a side makes me no better than either side. Got so many indirect and sublime messages from both sides it seems. Most were of the F U nature. Open a page. First comment. Come back later. Comment gone. If a person is not about fair play, they may as well not get involved. I am all about fair play. But apparently both sides still have seething issues bubbling just beneath the surface. To the point, seems they are sweeping racial tension under the rug. When I first tried to get involved I made a simple comment about at least they were protested demonstrations and not violent riots. This was on a NBC news report post. The post comments about further protests in other cities across the nations citys highways or something to that affect. Pictures showing other cities in other posts seemed to show no violent protests. So my comments were as such. Immediate comments started making references to Fergusons problems. When the post from NBC was distinctly about protests in other cities. The immediate response to my short and simple comment not only came under immediate attack where I felt compelled to defend my mostly neutral position, other than later on go into the fact that procedure and protocol I believe was not followed. Results in a shooting. A shooting death. Which I did not agree with how it went down. I felt procedure and due process were tossed out the window. I gave my renditions of how I felt that could have been avoided.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 22:13:35 +0000

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