Learned tonight the mega company which owns gazillion acres of - TopicsExpress


Learned tonight the mega company which owns gazillion acres of land throughout the USA and leases small parcels or lots to those with mobile homes, RVs, boats, manufactured homes in many many (most) states sent pink slips to virtually every person on its payroll, reducing their hours, downsizing them out the door and spreading discontent. WHY? You got it! Obama care is too damn expensive to buy/pay for so they cut hours to eliminate, shift or reduce hours to less than 30 hours/week. Of course, how will this impact services? We wont know for awhile. Also heard from three different people today they have lost their PCPs and some specialists because the treating physicians cannot afford to keep patients whose insurance will change (these are all Medicare/supplement patients) is creating quite a stir and panic among some. Spoke w with an attorney who works for a large clearing house of some sort for insurance companies about all this. Trying to keep things light hearted, his face became contorted and serious with a cautionary statement, theres a lot more coming down the pike which will throw this country into a downward spiral, and it is just around the corner. This administration (what I am now referring to as the Bo Regime) absolutely knew all the problems this program would cause and intended to create situations which will all but eradicate the way of life we have long enjoyed and took for granted in this country. There was no way BO (or anyone with a thinking brain) did not understand to provide 31 million folks who were unable to find or afford insurance with free healthcare (another misnomer) meant someone has to pay insurance companies to cover uninsurable/sick/dying/cost only patients/insureds. Where does the money come from to support the program? From healthy folks who dont need medical care, of course. The number escalated from 31 million to 310 million quickly. The worst part may be the number of insurance companies who have, will and intend to pull out of the market because they cannot afford to insure the ill and dying, who draw the heaviest drain of resources. HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, THE WIND IS GAINING SPEED AND IT WILL KNOCK US INTO THE NEXT DIMENSION ...
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 07:48:52 +0000

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