Learning From the Best There are many people in this world who - TopicsExpress


Learning From the Best There are many people in this world who are very skilled in many areas, some are great teachers and others are great motivator. One in particular is Satan the Devil, he has been at it for some 6,000 years and he is preety good at teaching the wrong things and at selling us on the notion that this system of things is to die for. 2 Corinthians 4:4 helps us to see the dark shades he has handed out to most of mankind for some 6,000 years. If you had 6,000 years of practice you would be very good as well. One thing we know for sure is there is at least two individuals that are older and smarter than Satan the Devil, Our heavenly Father, the Almighty Jehovah God and His firstborn son, Jesus Christ. After that only they know in which order everybody else came on the scene. Revelation 1:8 tells us it all starts and stop with Jehovah God and it states: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, says Jehovah God, the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.” In regards to Jesus Christ the bible tells us of his start at Proverb 8:22 which says: “Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievement of long ago.” Verses 23-31 continues with the things he saw and assisted his Father, Jehovah God in making. What did he enjoy most? Verse 31 tells us it was the sons of men, is anyone surprised that he loved us as much as Father, Jehovah. (John 3:16) How does this knowledge help us today? Jehovah God has made a lot of promises in the bible. First one being Genesis 3:15, which leads us to Daniel 2:44. Jehovah promised a new kingdom, which will be ruled by His Son, Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ that Kingdom will provide peace and security for everyone living in that kingdom. (Psalms 37:11) For those who pass the final test they will gain everlasting life under that same kingdom. (Psalms 37:29) The Devil wants to scare you away from these promises, he has been throwing every new gadget, new relationship, new entertainment and if all else fails, better ways to get more m-o-n-e-y!!! But, Jehovah promises by far more than the Devil can offer you. He promises blessings that will make you rich without any of the worries that comes along with such rich blessing. (Proverbs 10:22) Will you believe the King of Eternity, Jehovah God and His firstborn, Jesus Christ or will you choose the Devil, who is older and smarter than just humans? Very soon, Jehovah God going to give Jesus Christ the okay to bring Satan’s system of things to an end and everyone that choose it over His Kingdom. Jehovah God is the best teacher and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ as the best example for us to follow. Who will you learn from? (Isaiah 48:17, 18) Start learning today by visiting jw.org.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:35:35 +0000

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