Learning How to Train Our Little Puppy Among the many practices - TopicsExpress


Learning How to Train Our Little Puppy Among the many practices and exercises regarding pet caring, one of the most enjoying is the breeding of our newly born puppy. Indeed, when it comes to care your dog, it is a great thing that we have our four legged companion from the very best in order to start a very nice relationship that should last for long years. Whereas puppy training and dog training in general is almost the same thing, there are several important points that we should take carefully into account when it comes to educate the behavior and obedience of our baby dog. We must know that a puppy dog, the same as a newborn baby, needs a certain amount of time to get used to their new life and condition and, naturally, to pick up what it should do and what should not. We could in no way claim to make understand a great deal of behavior guidelines to an infant all at once. For the same reason, we will not be able to educate our puppy dog in a way that it acts rightly after the first lesson. Therefore, this will be our first rule to help our puppy dog to get along with its new life: we need to be patient and tolerant with him or her. That doesn’t mean that we are not going to correct their bad dispositions at all… of course not! However, we should adopt a kind and soft – but solid – attitude to do that. Why? Because, if we rebuke our puppy or treat it badly, shouting at him/her and moving violently, the little dog will translate that as a sign for us being their foes and not their friends. That would be very damaging for our future companionship. For that reason, we will correct our puppy with soft movements and with a gentle tone of voice. Besides, we must not forget to show our contentment when the puppy performs properly by caressing it and playing with it for a little while. Briefness and simplicity. Another tip that puppy trainers should consider is the need for brevity and simplicity when trying to show their puppy what should be done and what not. Again, patience, kindness and tolerance will play a crucial role if we want our little dog to learn the behavior habits we are suggesting to it. So we will train our little dog by doing easy things and for a little time, too. Lastly, we should build a friendly relationship with our puppy. We should combine easygoing training activities with some playing with our dog. This will develop a balanced relationship based on confidence and so our puppy will always be willing to remain with us and carry out our bidding. In conclusion, we should bear in mind all these tips and set them into practice. If we do so, the result will be a very pleasant and beautiful relationship between our four-legged companion and ourselves. This will make our dog as one more member of the family that everyone will love and care. To know more about puppies and how to train them properly, please visit George’s site on puppy obedience training. Visit also dogtraining-tipsandtricks.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 10:20:29 +0000

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