Learning Through Toys Toys are not just things to play with - TopicsExpress


Learning Through Toys Toys are not just things to play with but, they can play an important role in childs physical and mental development. Toys are an excellent way to stimulate your childs intelligence. Here is some information about the intellectual benefits of different toys. Every child loves to play with toys but they are more than just a plaything. They can also stimulate children to develop, both physically and mentally. There is a wide variety of toys available, each one with its own special features. Toys that encourage your child to enhance his learning skills are a great way to educate your child before he begins school. Read about the benefits of some popular toys. Boosting Learning Skills Through Toys Almost all toys are educational in a way. Playing with them encourages your child to explore his environment and go beyond what he already knows. Here are the ways in which toys stimulate your child: Hands-On Toys: Toys that require your child to physically move them about are called hands-on toys. For example, puzzles, jigsaws, etc. These toys promote hand-eye co-ordination. They also encourage problem-solving skills by allowing him to take things apart and put them back together. Books and Music: Even if your child cannot read yet, books are still important to him. The pictures in them appeal to his visual senses. When you read, he learns new words and their meanings. Music allows your child to experience different sounds and appreciate them. Art Materials: Different kinds of art materials stimulate your child to explore his creative side. He learns to make different items out of basic materials. This is a stepping-stone to developing reading and writing skills, where he will learn to form different sentences using the same words. Blocks: Blocks are primarily related to mathematical skills. Different shaped blocks introduce your child to geometrical concepts like squares, circles, etc. When he places the blocks one on top of the other, it allows him to look for ways to balance the blocks. Musical Instruments and Experimental Materials: Experimental materials refer to clay, sand, and water. These materials are a good tool for your child to explore his sense of touch. Similarly, musical instruments appeal to a childs sense of rhythm and harmony. Playing with these items allows him to experience a sense of control over his surroundings. Playground Equipment: Playground equipment is largely focused on a childs physical development. Equipment like slides, monkey bars, etc. allows your child to test his physical limits and challenge himself to go beyond them. The physical activity also helps him to build muscle tone and endurance. Dolls and Stuffed Animals: Stuffed animals, dolls, and other figures are geared towards your expanding your childs imagination. They allow him to have pretend play sessions, wherein your child can make his own story and assign roles to different characters. If your child is playing in a group, it also teaches him to co-operate with his peers as well as the value of listening to other peoples opinions. Construction Items: Construction items are mechanic sets and similar toys. They enhance your childs scientific abilities by allowing him to build working models of machines. It also encourages him to develop reasoning abilities. Courtesty - IP
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:18:32 +0000

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