Learning how to genuinely discern truth from lies and propaganda - TopicsExpress


Learning how to genuinely discern truth from lies and propaganda from reality is even more important than appearing to have it figured out from the get-go every time. Of course, figuring it all out is what we work feverishly toward every day, but maintaining a certain level of flexibility is essential to this process. Fear of personal ignorance can make a person, operation, or, on a larger scale, an entire nation, act counterproductively when their defenses are engaged and their pretenses shield them from the growth process. When this is the case and information is selected or taken onboard only when it supports a pleasant, albeit incorrect, view of the world and the self, a kind of crippling sets in and nothing can really be created or shared. But, just as important as remaining open to correction and adjustment, and keeping with the spirit of acquiring knowledge instead of blocking fresh understanding, is choosing a side to stand on to the best of our ability with the information available to us at the time. We should not stand still in fear and stagnate just because our paths are obfuscated by the society of which we are members and products. When faced with the fact that we don’t have it all figured out yet, it is easy to give up and give in. But it is precisely at this point that we must look within ourselves and find the heart and faith to keep going, to always keep in mind our aim and the cause that we have chosen to defend. This, in the end, is what living is really all about. We should never forget that, each day that we live, is one day less that we have left to live. We should always keep in mind that, on our last day on this earth, the extent to which others perceived us as all knowing, and whether or not we stayed within the artificial boundaries of what is considered normal, will be the furthest thoughts from our minds. We will, instead, remember the people we interacted with and how we stood and spoke up for each other in the face of the adverse conditions of the insane reality that we navigate together as brothers and sisters on this spaceship Earth. -- Anna Martin
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 19:41:55 +0000

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