Learning in nature, from nature, is critical for our children. Do - TopicsExpress


Learning in nature, from nature, is critical for our children. Do we all agree? I hope so. Unschooling or homeschooling may not be right for everyone but its great to know there are schools popping up that offer a nature-based education. Forest schools drop the unnecessary academics in the classroom setting and take young children out to various natural places and let them play and discover on their own. That is a lot of what we do unschooling. From the article: “My sense is that people are not feeling great about the direction that education is taking with young children, towards academics early on,” Grippo said. “People are noticing that it’s taking a toll on young children to be indoors, to be inactive.” A central part of what makes forest school special and appealing to many parents is the focus on unstructured free play. In a busy world filled with overscheduled children and harried parents, the freedom to wander and explore outdoors is hard to come by for many children. And yet psychologists are clear that play is a cornerstone of child development. Kids play to master concepts, experiment with new roles and test out their understanding of the world. “I think, especially at this young age, the most important thing is the impulse towards curiosity and to explore and figure things out and have that nurtured,” Boyda said. “Once they have that, the rest will come.” ww2.kqed.org/news/2014/11/14/forest-kindergarten-play-nature-based-alternative
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:39:38 +0000

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