Least We Forget Quickly: The duo of Hon Remi Hassan and Mr. - TopicsExpress


Least We Forget Quickly: The duo of Hon Remi Hassan and Mr. Kehinde Sogunle were on Rock City FM yesterday morning. Their mission was to debunk the claims of Mr governor and also show the public the orgy of lies as reeled out by the governor on both print and electronic media last week. Shortly, before yesterdays display of courage, brilliance and resilience by Hassan and Sogunle, the social media has been set agog with claims that Ogun States debt profile is far from the 38.6B Naira as asserted by the governor. We were told that the debt threshold is in the region of 300Bilion Naira and the governors loyalists came up to chant their regular anthem: na lie. But, yesterday, the figure werent only brought to bare against the governors claim but it was equally substantiated. Mr governors figure of 38Billion was aptly captured to have been only cash obligations from banks and did not include other obligations. Vivid example of Totoro-Sokori-Ita Eko Road was given as a completed project on which government hasnt been as at date, fulfill its financial obligation to the contractors. In same vein, Abiola Way Road and several others that are currently undergoing construction were also fixed in the category mentioned earlier. Furthermore, Hon Remi Hassan had the ample opportunity to showcase the orgy of lawlessness, recklessness and high handedness of the governor when he said that Debt Management Office was set up in Ogun State through an act of the House of Assembly as proposed through an executive bill. He went further to state that a DG was sworn in by the governor and when the said DG couldnt really function in his new assignment, he had to revert back to his former desk. Uptill date, nothing like DMO is functioning in Ogun State. Those instances mentioned above and series of other demeaning activities of the exalted office were aptly and deliberately relayed to us on the radio. Then it was time for public reaction, and we all witness another caricature of arranged phone calls where the very few ones that called in were condemning these honorable gentlemen. The most annoying was from somebody that I hitherto regarded as an educated social critic but I never knew that he wasnt actually informed. An educated mind thats informed is said to be a social crusader but an uninformed one is the one who criticizes for his immediate and pecuniary gains. Or how does one situate a caller who called to say some people were fighting over Sango Ota Bridge but nobody fought over five bridges in Abeokuta? Could that be his own understanding of all the revelations ealier made? The governors loyalists thereafter went viral on the web and began to sensationalize the disdainful, misplaced and unpatriotic submission of this uninformed critic. Five bridges over one bridge. Lord have mercy!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:27:42 +0000

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-height:30px;"> Jayson H. Burg Pacifica News Service Associate Editor and East

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