Leaving a Mark I don´t think we´re in Kansas anymore. Yes, - TopicsExpress


Leaving a Mark I don´t think we´re in Kansas anymore. Yes, this past week we had transfers which is why I did not have time to write. I am currently in Setubal 2A, in the ward of Setubal 2 in the Setubal Stake. We share the ward with the Zone Leaders. And I can not even begin to describe the difference between here and Tomar. So my new companion is Sister Derrick and she is awesome. This is her second transfer out here, but she also has the super gift of tongues and already speaks and understands really well - her knowledge of Spanish before the mission definitely helped. She is from Utah and I am so excited to be working with her! Fun fact, her companion the preivious transfer was Sister Miley, my MTC companion! Our area is really small. Setubal has 3 duplas of missionaries (the other dupla is in the Setubal 1 ward). It is very urban. Also, our area has the ghetto of Setúbal, the neighborhood of Bela Vista. But it´s good - I know there are a lot of people in our area that our ready to hear the gospel. Also, we white washed this area. This means that this area was new for both of us. I´m very grateful that the elders that were previously in this area left us a map and very detailed notes. We are still in the process of getting to know all of our investigators. We attended Ward Council this week and it was quickly very apparent the differences from here and Tomar. To begin with, we have Ward Council here. Second, the biggest problem the Bishop had to discuss with everyone was arriving to Sacrament Meeting on time. And this is the biggest problem! Also, we have a chapel here, a real chapel! So that´s really cool. Our apartment is pretty nice too, and was surprisingly clean considering that before us it was Elders. There is this one picture in our bathroom that will take some getting used to - I´ve included a picture of it in this email. On Saturday night we showed up at the chapel at 7 for our reunião de correlação with the Elders, ward mission leader (Fabio, the youngest son of the Bishop who is preparing for his mission), and the ward missionaries. We entered the chapel to discover a gigantic party. After a little confusion, we discovered that it was the baptism of one of the children in the ala (ward). There was so much food - fruit, two cakes, chocolate mousse, three types of quiche, chips, juice, jello, jam rolls, and more. And since we wouldn´t have our meeting until after we celebrated, we had to opportunity to try all of this food. And it was awesome. The ward here is super involved with missionary work. The members are awesome and willing to help which is great! Also, it was such a change to have a sacrament meeting full of people and with children too! It was a little loud, to tell the truth. But I am so so grateful for the opportunity to serve here in Setubal. But I´m even more grateful for my experience in Tomar, because I fully appreciate all the blessings we have here with an ala. So as this is my first change, it gives me an opportunity for reflection. To think about what type of mark I´m left in Tomar, and what type of mark I´m leaving here in Setúbal. I feel blessed to already know that my footprint here in Setúbal will last - our first night here I stepped in some wet concrete. But all joking aside, I´m so grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow more. Just when we get comfortable with things, the Lord changes everything. But the gospel is still true, and for some reason I´m needed here right now and I am so grateful and excited for this transfer! I love you all and hope you all have a fantastic week! Com Amor, Sister Giberson
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:42:18 +0000

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