Lectionary: The Sixth Sunday in Lent (Palm Sunday): The Sixth - TopicsExpress


Lectionary: The Sixth Sunday in Lent (Palm Sunday): The Sixth Sunday in Lent (Palm Sunday) Year A Collect One Almighty and everlasting God, who, of thy tender love towards mankind, hast sent thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility; Mercifully grant, that we may both follow the example of his patience, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Collect Two Almighty and everlasting God, who, in your tender love towards the human race, sent your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross: Grant that we may follow the example of his patience and humility, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord. The First Reading - Matthew 21: 1-11 The Psalm - Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29 Click here to view the readings OR The First Reading - Isaiah 50: 4-9a The Psalm - Psalm 31: 9-16 The Second Reading - Philippians 2: 5-11 The Gospel Reading - Matthew 26: 14 - 27: 66 Click here to view the readings or Matthew 27: 11-54 Post Communion Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, you humbled yourself in taking the form of a servant and in obedience died on the cross for our salvation. Give us the mind to follow you and to proclaim you as Lord and King, to the glory of God the Father. ireland.anglican.org/index.php?do=worship.collects&page=date&date=13-04-2014
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 02:25:04 +0000

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