#Lecture : Battle of Hearts & Minds. “The United states is - TopicsExpress


#Lecture : Battle of Hearts & Minds. “The United states is involved in a war that is both a battle of arms and a battle of ideas. A war in which, ultimate victory, will be achieved only when extremist ideologies are discredited in the eyes of their host populations and passive supporters”. So according to Rand and according to the Pentagon and truth fully so, there is a struggle of ideas going on in the Muslim world, but what is their position regarding this internal affair, this affair that concernsMuslims, this battle of ideas between those who want to follow Islam as it was reveled to Muhammad(peace and blessings of Allah on him), they want to follow Islam in its entirety and those who want to pick and chose from Islam, they want to follow Islam selectively. Now, this issue is not new with Muslims, In every age, there are Ahl-Haq, and there are those who want to deviate from the true path, through out our history this was a struggle that Allah destined to remain andit even existed among the believing nations before us. For example, with Banu Israel, there were those who held on to the truth and then there were those whom Allah Almighty said about in Quran: “They change the meanings of the words”. So, they would take the words of the Bible and they would change it. And some of that was done to please the authorities of the time, because we know that Bani Israel lived under various nations. For example they lived under the Roman rule, and that time the Romans were pagan. And they lived under the rules of the kingsof Babel, and they were pagans too. And according to a story mentioned in Tafseer,that at a particular time some of the Rabbis of Bani Israel gave a Fatwa to the King of Babylon allowing him to have a forbidden relationship, but they gave him such a fatwa to please that king. So they changed the rule of Allah the Almighty, in order to please a human being! So this conflict of ideas, that is going on in the Muslim world, what are these non Muslims doing about it! According to the US news and World report, “Today Washington is fighting back after repeated missteps since the 911 attacks, the US government has embarked on a campaign of political warfare unmatched, since the height of the cold war. From military psychological operations teams and CIA covert operatives to openly funded media and think tanks, Washington is plowing tens of millions of dollars into a campaign to influence not only Muslim societies but Islam itself.” Now hear this again “The US is trying to change Islam itself!!! ”. Without any shame, they are openly stating that we have a desire not only to influence the Muslim societies but we want to change the religion itself! Probably at the time of Bani Israel those Rabbis who were changing the book of Allah never dared to say so openly! These, without even hidingit, are saying that we want to change Islam,yes we do! So the emphasis on this issue of “The Battle of Ideas” has been post 9/11. So there is a good seven years now, of the US putting its intelligence resources, financial resources, human resources, into changing Islam, what are the results? Brothers and sisters, if the British Empire, the greatest empire of its time, dominatedthe sea, the US military, in contrast, dominates at every level- land, sea, air and space! The US spends more than the next 14 countries combined, accounting for almost 50% of global defense spending. And the US also spends more on defense research and development than the rest of world put together!So the US, the strongest force of our time, whose army is spanning the globe, is spending millions into this effort nevertheless it still cannot defeat the true Muslims and can still not win in this war of ideas! In an article, in the Washington Post, Shibli Talhami, a member of a White house appointed advisory group and public diplomacy and Brookings institute scholar, said “Its worst than failure. Failing means you tried and didn’t get better but at this point,three years after September 11 you can say that there wasn’t even much of an attempt and today Arab and Muslim attitudes towards the US and the degree of distrust in the US are far worse than they were 3 years ago, Bin Laden is winning by default!” So they are failing, and Miss Bernard and her cronies at Rand and Pentagon should know that their plan would fail because Allah is the best of planners! And that the fundamentalistsand extremists, whom they despise, are not only going to win in Afghanistan and Iraq, but they will continue their march, until they drag your people, the Jews, out of the Holy Land and plant their black banners on the roof tops of Jerusalem. Their efforts are a failure and Allah Almighty says: “Surely those who disbelieve, spend their wealth to hinder people away from the path of Allah, so they shall spend it, and then it shall be to them an intense regret, then, they shall be over come and those who disbelieve, shall be driven together toHell”.(Surah Anfal 36) They will spend millions of dollars, and it will be fruitless! And then in the end they will lose, and then after that they will be in Hell-Fire!The results in the realm of ideas, is more important brothers and sisters, it is more important than the victories, of the Mujahideen in the battlefields. It is more important to talk about the methodology that they carry. Because when Allah Almighty talked about the people of the Trench in Surah al Burooj, they didn’t win in the battlefield, they lost, and they were killed. The king, dug for them trenches and they were burnt alive. But because they held on fast to the truth, because they were steadfast, Allah Almighty said:ذَٰلِكَ الْفَوْزُ الْكَبِير ُ“That is the great victory”. (85:11) ~ Imam Anwar Al Awlaki Rahimullah ~
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:45:42 +0000

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