LeeAnn Stone Johnson 9 hrs · Gibson, TN · Jeremy Lyell has - TopicsExpress


LeeAnn Stone Johnson 9 hrs · Gibson, TN · Jeremy Lyell has made some improvements. His blood pressure is fabulous. Heart rate is still elevated. Still running a fever. The plans are to begin backing off of sedation so that they can remove the ventilator tomorrow. The fabulous news is that it is turned off and he is breathing on his own. The specific prayer request is for tomorrow morning. Jeremy needs to remain calm and not fight the ventilator. They dont want him sedated so that there is more of a chance of his being able to breathe by himself without it. He did not deal well the last time they tried to back off of sedation. But we are believing that he will be fine in the morning. He is still in an icu room, but this is a fabulous step in the right direction. Michelle Byassee Lyell had a successful surgery. We got to literally just lay our eyes on her coming back from surgery. They were settling her in her room still in trauma icu, so they werent ready for family visitors yet. I didnt go back down because I knew Treasa and Paula and their families all wanted to get in to see her. You guys have been awesome with the prayers. I know that the reason they are improving is the direct result of those prayers. Please keep Carol, Tresea and Paula in your prayers. I know they are exhausted. I may have been there in the evenings, but I have come home to my own bed and to work every day. Those hospital walls have got to be closing in on them. Keep those prayers coming. We still have a long road. Neither of them are really ready for lots of visitors and are certainly not out of the woods. But I feel like we are on the right road!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:50:23 +0000

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