Leeanne Chames From Rick Phelps ~ Still Alice....the movie soon - TopicsExpress


Leeanne Chames From Rick Phelps ~ Still Alice....the movie soon to be released, that is going to bring all kinds of awareness to dementia. No its not. This happens all the time. I learned so much from the film Right. What everyone needs to realize the very premise of Still Alice is fiction. Lias Genova made the character and the story up. Dont get me wrong, it has brought awareness to this horrible disease. But the truth is, this movie, just like any other movie or book is nothing more than a flash in the pan. Meaning, six weeks or less after the movie premiers, everything will be the same, the talk and scuttle butt over the movie will long be gone and we wont be one bit further along than we were ten years ago. I am glad whoever it was, brought the book to the big screen. But it isnt going to do what most think it will. Nothing has yet, and this will be no different. I may sound a bit negative, but this is indeed how things like this work. Someone very famous does something in whatever capacity, and there is all this great wave of thinking that this is going to be the thing that indeed brings awareness to the disease. Not only will this not happen, but once again, the book and movie portray how this disease effects a family unlike your low income to medium family. As if this disease doesnt strike the man who is unemployed, the mother who has bills piling up, and no where to turn. The struggles we see right here on Mp, you will never see on the big screen and that is exactly what should be portrayed. I remember when Seth Rogen spoke in front of Congress. Testified if you will, about the difficulties of Alzheimers. This too was supposed to bring all kinds of awareness. It of course did not. What did happen was Mr. Rogen got his fifteen minutes of fame in front of three Congressman. He did what I would consider a stand up routine. All this did was show, at that time anyways, he was not serious about this disease at all. Once again, I am glad Rogan did what he did, I was disappointed in the seriousness of the situation, where he was, and the topic. Here is the video of him testifying. Lots of laughs. I wish Mr Rogen would see some of our posts here on Mp. Their a riot also. Read our posts about the wife who has watched her husband of 60 years slip away from her a little at time. How he cant communicate, has lost all control of his bodily functions. How he is verbally and yes sometimes physically abusive to her. How he doesnt know their own grand kids any longer and dont even want them in their home. How she talks to him, tries to comfort him and gets no response and hasnt for over ten years. How she has struggled with the finances since day one of his diagnosis. To which he could care less, he hasnt thought about a bill or any payment in years. How she cries herself to sleep, only to get at most three hours a night and none of those hours are ever continuous. How she listens to him scream out in the middle of the night in terror, and not being able to do one thing about it. Or how their kids are not even speaking to one another and havent for three years, all because none of them can agree on what Mom should do with Dad, yet none of them have ever come forward to offer help in anyway. Other than call once a week, if that. And then it ends up in an argument because again she is not doing anything right. Place him and get it over with is what they tell her. I wish this would have been talked about in front of Congress. Instead he used his time to plug one of his movies, Knocked Up...I tell you, when a patient sees such display from someone who is deemed an expert from God knows who, but when I watch this video it indeed makes me sick to my stomach. I wish things like Still Alice or Mr Rogen did make a difference, did bring awareness. But the truth is what little awareness they do bring, do we really need that kind of awareness? Do we??? youtu.be/hvdbHSGWAgs
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 00:57:52 +0000

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