Leela 54 M.R.Tagare worked as a doctor for Sakarwadi sugar mills - TopicsExpress


Leela 54 M.R.Tagare worked as a doctor for Sakarwadi sugar mills near Shirdi. In 1914, he wished to encash his war-bonds of Rs.2500/-. Thus, he proceeded to Kopargaon Post-office in a bullock-cart. He had a bag containing the war-bonds, kept at his side. Enroute, he was busy chatting with a fellow passenger. To his utter dismay, he noticed that there was no bag beside him. Thinking that it must have slipped and fallen on the way, he stopped the cart and went in search of it. He trudged back for about a mile or two, searching diligently for it. But, alas, the bag wasnt to be found. Disappointed and remorseful about this, he went to Kopargaon as he had to visit a sick friend. That night he couldnt sleep and tossed and turned, thinking about the loss. At midnight, he got out of bed and went and sat near Babas photograph, praying for help. When he heard a voice saying, Cease worrying. The voice reassured him and he fell asleep. Next morning, he made the house call to his friend who lived in a village nearby. He examined the friend and prescribed the necessary medicine and sat a while chatting. He mentioned to his friend about the loss of his bag, enroute. A little girl, standing nearby, ran and brought a bag, saying, Is this the bag? It was found on the roadside yesterday. Thrilled, the doctor took his bag and upon examining the contents, found that the war-bonds were intact. He mentally thanked Baba for His help. Leela 55 He desperately prayed to Baba to help him. There was a devotee who was a clerk in the customs office. One day a bundle of custom bills were checked and verified by his officer and given to him. He was sure that he had kept them safely in the drawer of his desk. Knowing that the officer would recall them later, he wanted to keep them ready on his desk. But to his utter dismay, there were not to be found. He made a thorough search, but could not trace them. He feared a reprimand, or worse still, the loss of his job. So he prayed to Baba. That day passed without his officer asking for the bills. The next day, rather scared, he went to the office and found the bills neatly placed on his table. He racked his brains as to who could have done this, as he was the last person to leave and the first to enter the office. He remembered locking the office in the evening before leaving and opening it in the morning. Who but Baba could have entered the closed office and done this!! Megha and the Trident (Sai Satcharitra 28) Baba had once asked Megha to draw a Trident in his dream vision. Megha woke up to find Akshata (sanctified rice) all over his bed. But the door was locked and bolted securely. How could this be, he wondered! No door is necessary for My entry. Ive neither shape nor size. Im always everywhere, said Baba to Megha when He asked him to draw a trident. Ambrosia in Shirdi
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 06:10:32 +0000

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