Left Front in West Bengal started a 72 hour sit-in demonstration - TopicsExpress


Left Front in West Bengal started a 72 hour sit-in demonstration this afternoon in Kolkata against attack on democratic rights and livelihood of the people. The sit-in in temporary make-shift will continue and will be joined in by different sections of the people. The rain continued to pour down in a continuous manner yet it was not enough of resist people from joining this protest and the dug-out was flooded by the gathering long before the demonstration was scheduled to start. People those who are attacked, evacuated have gathered along with the relatives of those who have been killed by the goons of the ruling party, they are sharing their experiences of distress and fear and together they would protest against the government who are all busy in celebrating festivals and facilitating the Ponzi big heads. Left Front has called for this 72 hour sit-in protest movement to demand protection of democratic rights of the people in the state. The movement seeks to protest against the growing distress of social security and wretched condition of democracy. Left Front had voiced their protest against the forced evacuation, demands of collecting extortion money, continuous attacks, and intimidations and even killing of leftist activists and workers. It is all known to the people of West Bengal and even rest of the country that the attacks unleashed against the leftists of this state are carried through under direct presidency of the ruling party and the state government. A Left Front delegation met Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on 9th June and demanded immediate halt to unprecedented and severe political violence in the state. The left leadership said that nothing meaningful has been initiated by the state administration. Even the minors are not being spared by the TMC hooligans. The murderers of the Left activists are not being arrested. On the contrary several Left activists are being charged with false and fabricated cases. The supporters of Left Front are not being allowed to crop in their lands even. The aim of such terrorization is to cripple mass movements and democratic rights; and ultimately to abolish democratic space. But the state government paid the least attention to the demands and on the contrary barest of attacks are continued in full swing that made the governments denial status as clear as daylight. The State Government is doing nothing to control the sky rocketing price rise. Setting up any new factory or industry seems to be a day-dream in West Bengal where the running factories are being shut down. The employability is shrinking day by day. The farmers are being deprived of equitable price and nor they are getting proper support price. The sit-in demonstration program started today to recollect the black days of internal emergency which was declared on the very date in 1975. The attack unleashed on democratic rights during emergency is worth remembering in TMC regime where onslaught on all democratic spheres have become a practice. Left Front Chairman West Bengal welcomed those who have gathered in the temporary dug-out made of the purpose. He said that the imposition of emergency clearly showed that the Government initiated anti-people measures. All the democratic practices were abolished. Fundamental rights conferred through the Indian Constitution became paralyzed.Since the Assembly elections in West Bengal attacks have been unleashed on the leaders and activists of the democratic movements by the police administration and hoodlums backed by the ruling party to prohibit movements based on people’s demands. False and fabricated cases are being initiated against the leaders and activists of the democratic movements. Arrest warrants are being issued against them who could not be arrested. Attacks on the houses of Left Front activists, looting, arson, terrorization and attacks on livelihood have been taking place extensively. Cattle, poultry, fishes in ponds, agricultural produce and seeds also have been looted. - See more at: ganashakti/english/news/top_story/5520#sthash.VSq4Xwq5.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 02:36:50 +0000

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