Left Of The Middle Those of us who call ourselves Christian, - TopicsExpress


Left Of The Middle Those of us who call ourselves Christian, really should not fight so hard to blend in. We have been created unique, a limited edition, a one of a kind. There will never ever be another you. Or me. Or anyone else, for that matter. Nobody can fill our shoes quite like we can. 1 Peter 2:9-11 But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR Gods OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY. Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul. But sadly there are many who are unhappy with the way God created them and they want to be someone else, anything other than what God created them to be. I used to be one of those who wanted to blend in but was always, always always one of those left of the middle sorts. Unwillingly walking to the beat of a different drummer, trying so desperately to fit in to the round holes of adolescence, which is hard to do when you are a triangular peg. Not a lot has changed, I am still a triangular peg in a series of round holes, but the difference is that I dont try to fit in any more. I embrace what God has done in my life, and I thank Him for making me unique instead of trying to fight what is inevitable. He seems to have accentuated my uniqueness the closer I get to Him. I mean, how many can freely and openly admit to having slipped on the steps of the baptistry and falling in? The way I see it is I saved the pastor the trouble of dunking me~ I went ahead and dunked myself. (I cant make this stuff up really). I will never be what the world calls normal and I am quite okay with that. How many can look back at what should have been a terrifying situation and just throw their head back and laugh thanks to the goodness of God for protecting them from could have been potentially tragic? I will never forget the night I was riding shotgun with my now 22 year old son who was 16 at the time and had his permit and needed some driving practice so I let him get behind the wheel of my Honda Accord and we were driving and talking and we got so engrossed in what we were talking about that we didnt notice the 10 or 12-point buck dead in the middle of the road. It was dark and we were going about 45 miles per hour, which happened to be the speed limit. Upon seeing this I shouted DEER! And my son just said What Mom ? I yelled not that sort of dear I mean there is a dead deer at 12 oclock. Well he slammed on the brakes and I braced for impact. Next thing we know we nick the deer and my poor little car is airborne in a leap that put the General Lee of the Dukes of Hazzard to shame and we landed on all four wheels rather unceremoniously with a loud thud, but we both were intact. A year later, we were still finding deer fur in the undercarriage. But praise God for keeping us safe. After sending up a prayer of thanks, I just dissolved in laughter. I suppose I should have had the living daylights scared out of me, but somehow in my somewhat abnormal way of thinking I just thought it was funny as anything, especially considering that no one was hurt. My son was accident-free after that until January when he hit black ice and totaled my car. But even that is all good because thank God no one was hurt. And they wonder why I pray for them when they go out. He was all worried about the car and after hearing Mom the car is totaled enough I finally said to him that I heard him the first fifty times about the car that I was thankful HE was okay. I would rather replace a car than plan a funeral any day. And God as always, was faithful to provide me with a nicer car than I had before. God made you to be unique. Embrace it! Nobody can be you better than you. And with God renewing you every day, that makes you even more unique. Why blend into the scenery when you can let Gods light shine through you? And be that beacon that may be the guiding light that someone may be looking for. Dont blend in, let His Light shine! And let yourself be you. ~God loves you and so do I~
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 05:04:11 +0000

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