Leftists, Christian Missionaries and the NGOs: The insult to - TopicsExpress


Leftists, Christian Missionaries and the NGOs: The insult to the Hindu Modi --------------- --------------- --------------- ---- Anti-Hindu activity dramatically increased as a result of the political success of Hindus, which was during the tenure of the BJP Government at the Centre. For the enemies of the Hindu civilisation who had banked on the inertial passivity of Hindus in all sectors, the demolition of the Babri Masjid was a shocking slap on the cheek. The consequent worldwide condemnation was followed by increased NGO activity that can best be compared to mobilisation of armies in the time of war. When the BJP Government carried out the nuclear tests in the latter half of the decade, the shock of the anti-Hindu brigade turned to panic. By that time, many of the spies and mercenaries were already dug in for the ambush, guns at the ready. And then rose one of the most successful Hindu leaders of modern India, Narendra Modi. And all the guns turned on Gujarat. Hindus don’t really believe in coincidences; they would rather trust in the workings of karma and fate. But the choice of Godhra for the carnage of Hindus does not appear to be a coincidence even to an agnostic, given the background of the rising Hindu political power and a Hindu cultural renaissance. And there was Narendra Modi making Gujarat an exemplar of Hindu brilliance. In the latter half of 1986, when I arrived in Ahmedabad for the first time, I wasn’t allowed to leave the railway station till it was past 6 in the morning. When I enquired, the reason was Hindu-Muslim riots. In 2002, once again, Muslim criminals played into the hands of the Nehruvian Stalinists, who engineered the Godhra incident. What followed was lapped up by the anti-Hindu brigade and their overseas sponsors as the rebellion in hell itself. The media blitz that unravelled in the subsequent days made it out as if Hindu-Muslim riots have never occurred before in India, not until Narendra Modi appeared on the scene, as if the Muslim bandits of yore who invaded India were always welcomed with flower garlands. Thwarted again by a resilient Modi, the mercenaries bade their time polishing their shoes and pens plotting revenge. The news of Modi’s proposed trip to the USA came as an ideal opportunity for the bogus activists who scurried to the US with only one agenda in their itinerary. Humiliate Narendra Modi! For the US authorities, however, the anti-Hindu mercenary efforts were like what the doctor prescribed. All they needed were administered by the Nehruvians. Modi was denied a US visa. To see the whole picture behind the scenes, one needs to figure out what the US thinks of Hindutva and Modi. For the US State Department and the CIA, and in fact for almost all the Western establishments, Narendra Modi symbolises the successful Hindutva politician who managed to secure a twothird majority in the Gujarat assembly. If this Hindutva tendency were to be emulated at the national level, the Hindus would soon have a Hindustan with a rewritten constitution, equal rights as other religions, uniform civil code, anti-conversion laws and the re-establishmen t of the pagan values of tolerance and humanism. And how on earth can one allow that? For the people who follow the Abrahamic faith, not taking the opportunity for a snub against the heathen would be a sin against the god in heaven. For George Bush, Condoleeza Rice and the whole retinue of Abrahamic extremists, Hinduism is not a religion, but the worship of the devil. That is the essence of what they are taught to believe in, and which they believe in. The insult to Modi is an insult to every Hindu, no matter what anyone believes in. Had Narendra Modi been a Christian or a Muslim, or for that matter, a Marxist or a Nehruvian secularist like Rajiv Gandhi, the Gujarat riots notwithstanding , the US would not have denied a visa to him. Being a successful Hindu is enough reason today, particularly among those who swear on the Abrahamic God, for attracting humiliation. If the now deceased pope’s brazen declaration of intent to baptize the subcontinent and the crass Joshua evangelisation plan backed by George Bush were not blatant contempt for the Hindu culture, then what would it be? The new pope has meanwhile declared evangelisation as the prime motive of the Catholic Church. --------------- --------------- --------------- --- Safeguards against the alien menace --------------- --------------- --------------- --- NGOs and activists funded by anti-Hindu outfits are racking their brains scheming their next move against the Hindu civilisation. The foreign money flowing into India from abroad for Christian and Islamic organisations is completely unaccounted for. India’s Nehruvian Stalinists have already seen to it that Christian and Islamic coffers are left alone for carrying out their nefarious, imperialistic agendas. The amount of money pouring into India from Saudi Arabia for advancing its evil Wahabi ideas can only be guessed at. The recent Saudi plan for 1500 new madrasas in the subcontinent and the Christian Joshua Project running into billions of dollars testify to this accelerating offensive against natural religionists such as the Hindus. Without a constitutional mechanism in India to scourge these potent instruments of antinational forces, they have already proven to be a menace. The kind of ideology that is flushed into the impressionable minds in Christian schools and Islamic madrasas strives to create a transnational loyalty in the subjects, which loyalty is however affected by the irrational holes in their respective belief systems. The sustained impartation of ‘incorrect knowledge’ to new generations is slowly leading Indians towards an identity crisis. For instance, the answer of Nehruvian Stalinists to the question – Who is an Indian? – is absolutely predictable. They would first deny that there ever was a Hindu India. They would try to give a sort of background that would negate even the remotest suggestion of a Hindu identity for the whole of India. They would completely deny that India was ever one country. So, they would say, the modern Indian is the descendant of migrant barbarians, the so-called Aryans, who were civilised by subsequent Muslims and Christians from the West. All the great things that you see or hear about India, according to these paid slaves of hatemongers, are achievements of Islamic and Christian heritage. The California textbook issue is notable for bringing to the fore two aspects significant for the Hindu civilisation: one, the malignant karma of the Western, so-called ‘Indologists’ whose life-time academic enterprises are confined to tarnishing the Hindu civilisation. Second, it highlights the emergence of the unapologetic and proud Hindu who is leading the fightback in a foreign country. The battle lines have been clearly drawn. The anti-Hindu brigade led by Abrahamic religionists and Nehruvian foot soldiers on one side, and the dharmic Hindus (righteous pagans) on the other. This is the ultimate clash of civilisations, which would manifest sooner or later on every land in this world. The need of the hour for Hindus is to stop the advance of these vicious enemies who try to decimate our national and cultural identity and our ideals of democracy and equality. No individual is above the rule of law, and if a breach has been made against the law and constitution, it is the duty of every right-minded citizen to aid our nation in getting rid of this menace. If the law has been subverted by hook or by crook, it is time for Hindus, the natural religionists of the subcontinent, to unite, to assert and take the matter into their own hands and make new laws that are both fair and congenial to the principles of a peaceable and progressive civilisation worldwide. I am sure this book would go a long way in disseminating correct information about the ongoing war against Hindus, in which NGOs act as the main conduits of hate and fratricide. --------------- -------- Subramanian Swamy
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 16:34:52 +0000

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