Leg Cues on a horse In this post I would like to discuss the - TopicsExpress


Leg Cues on a horse In this post I would like to discuss the cues of leg reining a horse. This was taught to me by my mentor Richard Shrake. This is how I teach all my horses to eventually move and how I get a horse soft in his body. I have provided a picture with this post so you can see the buttons as I call them where pressure is applied. Button One: This is in front of the cinch behind the shoulder. Button one is used to control the forehand or front of the horse. This is done by pushing from the outside shoulder to the turn you want to make. For instance: Going to the right you push from the left button when the horse yields and takes a step to the right you release the pressure when a step in given. There are three turns I use with button one. A left and right turn. While walking forward holding your reins. I lift the rein in the direction I want to go tip the horse’s nose in that direction lightly and use pressure on the outside shoulder and look with my head the direction I want to go. I do not pull the rein or lead rope. I just tip the nose big difference. I keep the horse square for this exercise. Looking in that direction will give a slight shift of weight to the left or right and the leg in gently pushed on the button one and released each time the horse yields in that direction . Forward movement is always used. A haunch turn This turn is a must it is a foundation move and it is a lateral move done at a standstill at first. Barrel racers are using this turn at a high rate of speed, it is how they get around the barrel. But like everything it is a turn that starts slow. Matter of fact it is done at a standstill. Where you walk the front end on the horse around the horses butt. This turn can be hard for the horse to learn at first so I teach it on the ground using a step at a time and I use the fence as a barrier to stop the horse from going backward. Here is how you teach it. Take the horse into the area and back him up with his butt to the fence, I have the horse in a rope halter but you can have the bridle and reins on. I never have a saddle on as I never ride the horse when teaching this turn. A friend is a good help on the other side of the horse as they can help the horse not to move forward. Next I take the lead rope and have it on the side of the horse that I am going to be turning. I will cue by lifting the rope on the turn side that I want the horse to move on and I will set my hand,( That means I will life my hand and not pull but keep it where it is, the horse will run into my hand if he moves forward and I will ask him to stand still. I will take this subject up at another time soon) I will ask the horse to step one step at a time over to the left or the right pushing on button one. Make sure you ask for a step at a time at first. (Again the horse is not moving forward he is stationary with the back legs.) Each time the horse takes a step you release the pressure on button one and make a huge deal over him doing the right thing. (When you reward a horse with praise and rest it makes him want to do what is right, It is a huge training aid and builds the horses confidence each time he hears goo boy and gets a pet for doing what is right. It takes the confusion out for him and he learns faster without pressure, this is how you teach your horse to want to be willing to learn. You love them for trying and for doing the right thing. Don’t love on them when they do what wrong. It reinforces bad actions.) I get the horse to step all the way to the fence one step at a time. Until he is parallel with the fence. Then I walk him back to his but against the fence and to the other side one step at a time to where he is standing parallel again standing against the fence. Only do this or about 15 minutes twice a day and go tie your horse up or put him in the stall when he is done. A horse can only take two 15 minute teaching sessions per day. On the second day of teaching this I go from quarter haunch turns to taking him all the way from his left side parallel to the fence to his right side parallel to the fence. In a half circle. And back the other way. The third day I take the horse out and do a full circle. Where the horse steps 360 degrees around his but keeping his butt in place. Do this two times per day. The first time I always do it on the ground. But if the horse is broke. You can go to his back the second time later on in the day. Remember to use a buddy to help keep the horse standing still. Do not ask for to much at once a step a pet and praise and then another step pet and praise. The horse responds better when you go slow. If the horse is trying to move forward it is because he is confused or scared and want to leave the situation. Don’t quit taking him back and doing the exercise or you will teach him that moving forward is the way to get out of doing what you ask. You have to stick with it and not quit. The turn on button one is the spin. That is a advanced maneuver not a foundation turn. It take months to build a horse up to be able to do it. Don’t try it. You don’t need it if your just wanting a good horse. I will write about button two later this week. Here is a link showing a haunch turn, youtu.be/ifsDLfeq2nY
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:35:35 +0000

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