Legacy at 12 noon and free casual EDH/Commander at 2 PM today. - TopicsExpress


Legacy at 12 noon and free casual EDH/Commander at 2 PM today. Which M14 prerelease event are most looking forward to? Now for the looking for list.... Dragon’s Maze White ($0.10) Lyev Decree - +15 ($.75) Renounce Guilds - +1 ($0.10) Riot Control - +6 ($0.10) Scion of Vitu-Gh - +1 Blue ($3.00) Aetherling - 2 ($0.10) Hidden Strings - +11 ($0.10) Trait Doctoring - +3 Black ($1.00) Blood Scrivener -1 ($0.10) Pontiff of Blight – 0 Red ($0.10) Possibility Storm -5 ($.10) Pyrewild Shaman -+2 Green ($0.10) Phytoburst - +10 ($0.10) Renegade Crasis - 1 ($.75) Skylasher - 0 Gold ($4.00) Advent of the Wurm +3 ($5.00) Blood Baron – 0 ($0.10) Boros Battle - +6 ($1.00) Council o/t Absolute - +1 ($1.50) Deathbridge Chant – 0 ($0.10) Deputy of Aquittals - +7 ($0.10) Dragon Shift - 1 ($0.10) Drown in Filth - +10 ($0.10) Emmara - 1 ($.75) Exava Blood Witch - +2 ($.10) Gaze of Granite - 0 ($.10) Levinia - +16 ($2.50) Legions Initiatitive – 2 ($2.00) Master of Cruelties – 0 ($0.10) Melek -0 ($0.75) Mirkovosk - 2 ($0.10) Nivix Cyclops - +40 ($1.00) Notion Thief - 0 ($.10) Obzidat’s Aid - +5 ($0.10) Pilfered Plans - +4 ($1.00) Plasm Capture - +2 ($4.00) Progenitor Mimic -+3 ($.75) Purtefy - +11 ($7.50) Ral Zarek – 0 ($.75) Reap Intellect - +2 ($0.75) Render Silent – 0 ($1.25) Ruric Thar –0 ($2.00) Savage Born Hydra - +2 ($1.25) Sire of Insanity - 0 ($.75) Tajic Blade of - +1 ($.10) Teysa - 0 ($0.10) Unflinching Cour - +17 ($0.10) Sin Collector - +21 ($2.50) Varolz Scar Striped - +3 ($22.50) Voice of Resu – 0 ($ .10) Vorel - +4 ($0.10) Warleaders Helix - 2 ($0.10) Zhur-taa Ancient – 0 SPLIT ($.10) Beck // Call - +11 ($.10) Breaking // Entering – 2 ($0.10) Catch // Release - +8 ($0.10) Far // Away - +5 ($0.10) Flesh // Blood - +2 ($0.10) Ready // Willing - +6 ($0.10) Turn // Burn - 3 Land ($1.50) Maze’s End – +1 White ($3.50)Ajani Call o/t Prid – 6 ($.10)Angel of Flight -0 ($.10)Angel of Glory -1 ($.75)Angel of Jubilation –4 ($5.00)Angel Serenity – 7 ($.75)Angelic Overseer – 4 ($0.10) Angelic Skirmisher-3 ($.75)Archangel’s Lig- 0 ($10.00)Avacyn, Angel – 2 ($1.75)Blind Obedience – 2 ($.10)Captain o/t Wa- +2 ($..75)Cathar’s Crusade – 3 ($2.00)Champion o/tPar- 2 (.10) Dearly Departed-+6 ($.10)Divine Deflection –0 ($.10)Divine Reckoning -+3 ($.75)Elite Inquisitor – 6 ($5.00)Entreat the Angel – 1 ($.10)Faith’s Reward- 0 ($1.75) Frontline Medic – +1 ($.10)Geist-Honored – +12 ($2.50) Gideon, Champion-8 ($.10)Herald of War - 1 ($.10)Increasing Devoti – +3 ($.75)Intangible Virtue – +38 ($.10)Intrepid Hero – 1 ($.10)Knight of Glory – 0 ($1.00)Lingering Souls – +23 ($.10)Luminate Primordial-0 ($.10)Martial Law –-0 ($.10)Mentor o/t Meek –0 ($.75)Mikaeus Lun - 5 ($.75)– Nevermore 0 ($.10)Oblivion Ring –3 ($1.00)Odric –+12 ($0.10) Ogre Slumlord – 6 ($.10)Planar Cleansing -0 ($1.00)Precinct Captain – 0 ($.10)Requiem Angel –1 ($1.25) Rest in Peace - +1 ($10.00)Restoration Angel-0 ($.10)Riders of Gavony – +3 ($2.00)Rhox Faithmender – 0 ($.10)Séance -1 ($.75)Serra Avatar – 3 ($.75)Serra Avenger – 5 ($2.00)Silverblade Palad - 0 ($.10)Stony Silence –0 ($7.50)Sublime Arch - 6 ($.10)Sudden Dissap – +2 ($1.75)Terminus –8 ($2.00)Thalia – 1 ($.10)Thraben Doom – 0 ($.10) Touch of Eternal - 0 Blue ($.10)Arcane Melee -0 ($1.75)Auger of Bolas – +1 ($.10)Back from the Brink – 0 ($.10)Battle of Wits –+2 ($.75)Beguiler of Wills –1 ($.10)Cackling Counter – 2 ($.10)Call to the Kind -2 ($.10)Captain o/t Mists -0 ($.1.00)Clone – 0 ($.10)Conjured Currency -+12 ($.10)Counterlash – +1 ($.10)Curse of Echoes – 3 ($1.25)Cyclonic Rift – 2 ($0.10)DeadeyeNavigator-0 ($0.10)Devastation Tide –0 ($.10)Delver of Secrets – 0 ($.10) Diluvian Primordial+6 ($0.75)Dissipate – 1 ($.10)Dungeon Geists – 3 ($.75) Enter the Infinite – 8 ($1.00)Fog Bank – 6 ($.10)Geralf’s Mindcru –0 ($.10)Havengul Runebind -0 ($1.00)Increasing Confus – +1 ($.10)Infinite Reflection -3 ($1.50)Invisible Stalker – 3 ($10.00)Jace A – 2 ($7.50)Jace, Memory – 0 ($1.50)Jace’s Phantasm - 7 ($.10)Lab Maniac –0 ($.10)Lone Revenant –+1 ($.10)Ludevic’s Test - 0 ($.10)Lunar Mystic – 0 ($1.00)Master o/t Pearl – 4 ($.10)Mindshrieker – 0 ($.75)Mirrormad Phant - 0 ($.75)Misthollow Griffin - 2 ($5.00)Omniscience – 8 ($0.10) Realmwright – 0 ($.10)Redirect –6 ($.10)Rooftop Storm – 0 ($.10)Search the City –+4 ($0.10) SimicManipulator-0 ($.75)Skaab Ruinator – 0 ($15.00)Snapcaster Mage – 8 ($.10)Spelltwine – 1 ($.10)SphinxofChimes+8 ($.10)StolenGoods-0 ($0.10) Stolen Identity – 2 ($.10)Sturmgeist –0 ($.10)Syncopate - 5 ($7.50)Tamiyo – 8 ($1.00)Talrand, Sky –1 ($2.50)Temporal Mastery – 4 ($.10) Thought Scour - 3 ($.10)Undead Alchemist –1 ($.10)Void Stalker -1 Black ($1.25)Army o/t Damned – 6 ($1.50)Bloodline Keeper – 3 ($0.10)Bloodgift Demon – 3 ($1.75)Blood Artist – 4 ($1.75) Crypt Ghast – 3 ($.10)Curse Death’s -3 ($.10)Dark Imposter –3 ($.10)Demonlord of Ash –1 ($.75)Descent into Mad – 0 ($1.75)Desecration Dem - 8 ($.75)DiabolicRevelation – 4 ($.10)Diregraf Ghoul – 3 ($.1.00)Disciple of Bolas – 1 ($.10)Dreadslaver - 1 ($.1.00)EndlessRanks–8($1.00)Exquisite Blood – 0 ($.10)Fiend of the Shad -1 ($1.50)Geralf’s Messeng – 8 ($.10)Gloom Surgeon –+1 ($.10)Grave Betrayel – 2 ($2.50)Gravecrawler – 3 ($8.00)Griselbrand – 8 ($.10)Harvester of Souls – 4 ($1.00)Heartless Summ – +1 ($.10)Increasing Ambition – 1 ($.75)Killing Wave –4 ($.10)Knight of Infamy – 2 ($5.00)Liliana of the Dark – 5 ($25.00)Liliana of the Veil – 7 ($.1.00) Lord of the Void – 8 ($2.50)Mikaeus the Unha – 8 ($.10)Murder – 6 ($1.00)Mutilate-0 ($.75)Necropolis Regent – 0 ($.10)Nefarox – 6 ($.10)Pack Rat – 4 ($.10)Phylactery Lich – 0 ($.10)Ravenous Demon -+2 ($.75)Reaper from Abyss – 8 ($.10) Sepulchral Primor-+7 ($.10)Sever the Blood -6 ($.10)Shimian Specter -6 ($1.00)Skirsdag High P - 8 ($.10)Tragic Slip –5 ($.10)Treacherous Pit-Dw-2 ($.10)Ultimate Price - +14 ($.10)Unbreathing Horde – 0 ($.75) Unburial Rites – 1 ($.10) Undercity Inform –3 ($0.10)UndercityPlague- +10 ($0.10)Underworld Conn -+4 ($.75)Vampire Nightha - 6 ($3.00)Vampire Noct –1 ($.10)Wit’s End –0 ($.10)Xathrid Goron – 2 ($.10)Zombie Apocalypse -3 Red ($.10)Alpha Brawl – 0 ($.10)Archwing Dragon – 2 ($1.00)Ash Zealot –4 ($1.00)Balefire Dragon – 7 ($1.00)Blasphemous Act – 3 ($7.50)Bonfire o/t Dam -7 ($.10)Burn at the Stake - 6 ($2.00)Chandra Firebrand – 3 (.10)ChaosImps-0 ($.10)Charmbreak Devils – 4 ($.10) Curse of Blood - 4 ($.10)Curse of Stalk Prey 3 ($.10)Devil’s Play- 1 ($.10)Dual Casting – 1 ($.10)Falkenrath Maur – 3 ($.10)Faithless Looting - 0 ($.10)Fervor – 1 ($.10) 5 Alarm Fire – 4 ($.10)Firewing Pheonix - 6 ($.10)Flames of Firebrand-6 ($.10)Flayer o/t Hate – 0 ($.10)GuildFeud-+7 (1.00)Guttersnipe-5 ($.10)Hamletback – 0 ($.75) Hellkite Tyrant – 0 ($2.50)Hellrider – 0 ($.10)Heretic’s Pun – 0 ($.10)Hound of Grisel - 0 ($.10)Increasing Veng – 6 ($.10)Instigator Gang – 5 ($1.75)Krenko, Mob- 7 ($.10)Kruin Outlaw – 2 ($1.75) Legion Loyalist – 5 ($.75)Magmaquake – 0 ($.75)Malignus – 0 ($.10)Markov Blademast – 2 ($2.00)Mizzium Mortars – 6 ($.10) Molten Primord –2 ($.10)Mondronen Sham – 0 ($.75)Moonveil Dragon – 7 ($.75)Past in Flames – 0 ($.10)Pillar of Flame -+1 ($.10)Reforge the Soul – +1 ($.10)Reverberate-1 ($0.10) Searing Spear – 6 ($.10) Skullcrack – +8 ($1.50)Stromkirk Noble – 4 ($1.00)Tibalt – 0 ($10.00)Thundermaw Hell - 0 ($.10)Thunderous W - 6 ($.10)Tyrant of Disc – 0 ($1.00)Utvara Hellkite – 6 ($6.00)Vexing Devil – 7 ($.10) Wrecking Ogre-+3 ($.75)Worldfire – 6 ($.10)Zealous Consc - 0 Green ($.10)Avacyn’s Pilgrim - +1 ($.1.00)Boundless Realms - 1 ($..75)ChampionoLamb-0 ($4.00)Craterhoof Beh – 8 ($.10)Creeping Renai - 0 ($.75)Daybreak Ranger – 0 ($.10)DeadbridgeGoliath– 3 ($.10)Death’s Presence - 1 ($.10)Deranged Outcast - +3 ($.10)Descendants’ Path-1 ($.10) Druids’ Reposit – 0 ($.10)Elder o/t Laurels - 0 ($1.00)Elderscale Wurm – 5 ($1.50)Elvish Archdruid - 0 ($.75)Essence of the Wild – 3 ($1.00) Experiment One – 8 ($0.10)Farseek-+1 ($.10)Feed the Pack – +1 ($6.00)Garruk PrimalHu – 7 ($5.00)Garruk Relentless – 7 ($.10)Ghoultree – 0 ($.75) Giant Adephage – 3 ($1.00)Ground Seal – 6 ($.10)Guttergrime - +4 ($1.25) Gyre Sage –0 ($.75)Increasing Savage – 3 ($.10)Kessig Cagebreak – 0 ($.10)Lost in the Woods – +1 ($.10)Mana Bloom - 0 ($1.50)Mayor of Avabruk – 2 ($.10)Moldgraf Monstr – 0 ($0.10) Ooze Flux – 3 ($2.00)Parallel Lives – +6 ($1.25)Predator Ooze – 8 ($.10)Predatory Rampage-+2 ($.75)Primal Surge – 4 ($4.00)Primordial Hydra – 8 ($1.00)Quirion Dryad - 0 ($1.50)Rancor – +9 ($.10)Revenge o/t Hunt-+1 ($.1.00)Silklash Spider – 4 ($0.10) Skaarg Goliath - +8 ($.10)Somerwald Sage – 3 ($.10)Soul o/t Harvest – +1 ($.10)Splinterfright - 0 ($.10)Strangleroot Geist – 6 ($1.00)Sylvan Primordial – +1 ($.75)Tree of Redempton – 8 ($6.00)Thragtusk – 0 ($.10)Ulvenwald Tracker – +3 ($1.25)Vorapede – 4 ($.10)Wild Beastmaster - 6 ($.10)Wild Defiance – +2 ($.10)Wolfbitten Captive - 6 ($1.00)Wolfir Silverh - 4 ($.75)Worldspine Wurm-6 ($1.00)Yeva – +1 Gold ($4.00)Abrupt Decay – 8 ($0.10) Alms Beast - +6 ($.10)Archon of the Tri - 1 ($3.00)Armada Wurm – 4 ($1.00) Assemble Legion – 5 ($2.00) Aurelia’s Fury – 8 ($5.00) Aurelia Warleader -5 ($0.10)Azorius Charm – 6 ($.75) Biovisionary – 8 ($.75Borborygmos, - +1 ($1.00) Boros Charm – 8 ($.75)Bruna – 0 ($.10)Carnival Hellsteed – +2 ($0.10) Cartel Aristocrat - 6 ($.10) Clan Defiance - +5 ($.75)Collective Blessing – 0 ($1.25) Consuming Abb – 2 ($1.25)Corpsejack Men – 0 ($0.10)Counterflux – 4 ($.75Deathpact Angel – 1 ($1.50)DetentionSphere – 1 ($0.10) Dimir Charm – +2 ($10.00) Domri Rade – 8 ($.10)Diregraf Captain – 6 ($2.00)Dreadbore – 6 ($.10)Drogskoll Captain – 6 ($.75)Drogskoll Reaver – 1 ($2.50) Duskmantle Seer – +2 ($.75)Epic Experiment – 7 ($1.00)Evil Twin – 1 ($7.50)Falkenrath Aristo – 7 ($0.10) Fathom Mage – 0 ($1.00) Firemane Avenger-4 ($.10)Firemind’s Fo- +4 ($0.10) Foundry Champion-0 ($0.10) Ghor-Clan Rampager – 6(12,50)Geist of Saint Tra – 7 ($3.50) Gisela, Blade - 8 ($.1.00)Grimgrin – +1 (0.10) Gruul Charm+11 ($0.10) Gruul Ragebeast – +2 ($1.00)Havengul Lich – 8 ($.10)Havoc Festival – +8 ($.75) High Priest of Pen –0 ($6.00)Hunt of the Fells -8 ($.10)Hypersonic Dragon– 0 ($.10)Immerwolf - 6 ($.75)Isperia – 2 ($0.75)Jarad, Lord – +2 ($.10) Jarad’s Orders - 1 ($1.25) Lazav, Dimir - 3 ($2.00)Lotleth Troll –0 ($2.50)Loxoden Smiter – 5 ($3.50) Master Biomancer-8 ($.10) Merciless Eviction – 1 ($.10)Mercurial Chem – 1 ($1.50) Mind Grind – 4 ($0.10) Mystic Genesis – +2 ($2.50)Nicol Bolas – 3 ($1.75) Niv Mizzet – 5 ($6.00) Obzedat, - 7 ($5.00) Olivia – 8 ($2.00)Prime Speaker –2 ($3.00)Rakdos’s Return – 6 ($1.00)Rakdos, Lord of – 7 ($.10)Righteous Authority – +8 ($0.10) Rubblehulk – 0 ($.10)Selesnya Charm - +45 ($3.00)Sigarda – 5 ($0.10) Signal the Clans – +2 ($1.00)Slaughter Games – 0 ($0.10) Soul Ransom – +3 ($.10) Spark Trooper – 5 ($15.00)Sphinx’s Revelat – 8 ($.10)Stromkirk Captain – 6 ($5.00)Sorin, Lord of Inn – 5 ($3.50)Supreme Verdict – 1 ($0.10) Treasury Thrull - 5 ($4.00)Trostani – 5 ($0.10) Unexpected Results-3 (0.10)Vizkopa Guildmage+1 ($5.00)Vraska - 5 ($.75)Wayfaring Temple – 0 ($.10) Whispering Madness-0 Hybrid ($.10)Azor’s Elec – +3 ($0.10) Biomass Mutation – +7 ($7.50) Boros Reckoner – 6 ($1.50) Burning-Tree Emm-5 ($.10)Cryptborn Horror - +5 ($7.50)Deathrite Shaman -8 ($.1.00)Growing Ranks – +14 ($.75)Immortal Servitude-3 ($.75) Nightveil Specter – 4 ($.10)Nivmagus Element – +6 ($.10)Rakdos Cackler – 6 ($.10) Rubblebelt Raiders+3 Artifact ($4.00)Akroma’s Mem – 0 ($2.00)Chromatic Lantern-0 ($.75)Conjurer’s Closet – 0 ($.10)Creepy Doll - +6 ($.10)Door to Nothing – 0 ($.1.00)Elbrus – +1 ($.10)Elixir of Immortality – 4 ($.10)Gallow’s at Willow – +2 ($1.75)Gilded Lotus – 1 ($.75) Glaring Spotlight – 1 ($1.25)Grafdigger’s Cage – 4 ($.75)Grimoire o/t Dead - 0 ($.75)Helvault – 0 ($.10) Illusionist’s Bracer -+4 ($.10)Jar of Eyeballs – +2 ($.10)Manor Gargoyle – 0 ($.10)Moonsilver Spear – 3 ($.10)Otherworldly Atlas – +1 ($0.10)Pithing Needle - 6 ($.10)Runechanter Pike – 1 ($.10)Sands of Delirium - 0 ($.10)Staff of Nin – 2 ($2.00)Stuffy Doll –0 ($1.00)Trading Post – 0 ($.10)Volatile Rig - +1 ($.75)Witchbane Orb - +1 Land ($.10)Alchemist’s Refuge –+ 1 ($4.00)Blood Crypt – 8 ($6.00) Breeding Pool – 4 ($1.00)Cathedral of War – 0 ($12.50)Cavern of Souls – +1 ($4.00)Clifftop Retreat – 8 ($.10)Desolate Light -0 ($2.50)Dragonskull Summit-0 ($2.50)Drowned Cataco - +2 ($.75)Gavony Township-1 ($.10)Ghost Quarter – 3 ($2.50)Glacial Fortress – 1 ($7.50) Godless Shrine – 1 ($.10)Grim Backwoods –+1 ($.10)Grove of the Guard – +11 ($5.00)HallowedFoun – 4 ($.10)Hellion Crucible – 0 ($3.50)Hinterland Harbor – 7 ($6.50)IsolatedChapel- 8 ($1.50)Kessig Wolf Run – 2 ($.10)Moorland Haunt – 0 ($1.00)Nephalia Drown – 6 ($5.00)Overgrown Tomb- 5 ($.10)Reliquary Tower – 2 ($2.50)Rootbound Crag – 1 ($6.50) Sacred Foundry – 8 ($.10)Slayer’s Strong – +1 ($4.00)Steam Vents – 7 ($.10)Stensia Bloodhall – 3 ($7.50) Stomping Ground–7 ($4.00)Sulfur Falls - 2 ($3.00)Sunpetal Grove – 0 ($7.50)Temple Garden – 8 ($1.00) Thespian’s Stage – 1 ($1.25)Vault of Archangel – 5 ($5.00) Watery Grave - 4 ($5.00)Woodland Cem – 7
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:58:34 +0000

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