Legal Cause Why I Not Paid Council Tax..I have not paid - TopicsExpress


Legal Cause Why I Not Paid Council Tax..I have not paid council tax on the grounds that the demand by Havant Borough Council is wrong in law by requiring me to commit crimes against domestic and international law. I acknowledge that in times of peace when HM Government is acting lawfully taxpayers are bound by statute to pay taxes, including income tax, VAT and council tax. Duty to refuse to obey unlawful orders However I maintain that every citizen is required by law to refuse to obey the orders of their government[A1], including orders to pay or collect tax, when their government acts unlawfully in violation of the laws of war [A2]. (more…) I assert that the normal peacetime duties of taxpayers to pay tax and tax collectors (HMR&C, Councils, Businesses) to collect tax were reversed and became a duty to refuse to pay or collect tax no later than October 7th 2001 when HM Government began the war in Afghanistan and possibly before this had information now in the public domain about the activities of UK armed forces been known. Information recently released into the public domain by the BBC’s Panorama programme on the topic of the Military Reaction Force (MRF) employed by the British government in the early 1970s in Northern Ireland under which authority (MRF) the BBC claims that members of the British armed forces in Northern Ireland “killed unarmed civilians” in brutal surprise attacks on the streets, makes clear that at that time the British government was using terrorism (as defined by section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000). I believe that, since the broadcast of the Panorama programme, the government has opened an official enquiry. However, since the government has issued no renunciation of these acts and it is very likely that the British government continues to use terrorist activity in the pursuit of its goals throughout the world, I therefore, under section 15 of the Terrorism Act, have a duty to refuse to make any payments of any nature to the British government and its agents including (but not limited to) any and all local governments in the territory of the United Kingdom because I have “reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used, for the purposes of terrorism”. Further I assert that the case made by the British government against the four accused of the terrorist bombings in London on July 7th 2007, is untenable and demonstrably false. There is proof positive that the single photograph issued by the government alleging it as evidence of the alleged bombers arrival together at the London Terminus is a (‘photo-shopped’) forgery. In addition, it is impossible that the four arrived on the alleged train because the train did not run as timetabled that day. In short, they could not have been in London in time to make their connections to the targeted trains.It is incomprehensible to me how a competent police enquiry could possibly have reached the conclusions it did – and failed to review it, since – when this evidence is available. It is my conclusion, therefore, that the British government has deliberately withheld the truth about this atrocity from the British public and it is therefore a reasonable conclusion that the government was complicit in some way, again giving me reasonable cause to suspect that the British government continues to employ or connive with terrorism – even domestically, within our own shores and against our own people. Illegal war That the war with Afghanistan is illegal can be ascertained by reference to the terms of: (i) The Treaty for the Renunciation of War 1928 [Kellogg-Briand Pact] by which HM Government agreed never to wage war and to settle disputes peacefully [A3]; “War between nations was renounced by the signatories of the Kellogg-Briand Treaty. This means that it has become throughout practically the entire world an illegal thing. Hereafter, when nations engage in armed conflict, either one or both of them must be termed violators of this general treaty law…. We denounce them as law breakers.” Henry Stimson, USA Secretary of State 1932 (ii) The UN Charter in which 192 States have agreed never to threaten or use force, to respect human rights and to settle all disputes by peaceful means [A4]; (iii) The United Nations Act 1946 which limits the deployment of HM Forces under the authority of the UN to “measures not involving the use of armed force” [A5]; (iv) The Judgement of the Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal 1946 [A6] which states: “After the signing of the Pact, any nation resorting to war as an instrument of national policy breaks the Pact. In the opinion of the Tribunal, the solemn renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy necessarily involves the proposition that such war is illegal in international law; and that those who plan and wage such a war with its inevitable and terrible consequences are committing a crime in so doing… (v) The United Nations Declaration on Principles of International Law 1970 [A7] which includes the following statement: “No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements are in violation of international law.” (vi) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court which outlaws aggressive war, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes [A12]; As the war with Afghanistan and the unlawful killings of thousands of men women and children have continued throughout the intervening years, the duty of taxpayers and tax collectors to refuse to obey illegal orders continues unabated and will carry on until: (i) the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan and Syria have ended, (ii) HM Forces have returned home, (iii) legal proceedings have begun against those responsible for war crimes and the unlawful deaths of men women and children, and (iv) HM Government and its agents are acting in full accord with the laws of war. Criminal offences associated with paying (council) tax When taxpayers pay tax to a Government or its agents (Havant Borough Council), while it is acting unlawfully and waging a war of aggression, or employing terrorism they commit criminal offences and render themselves liable for prosecution in Britain or the Hague for crimes of: (i) ‘accessory to murder’ under the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 and the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 [A8]; (ii) ‘complicity in a crime against peace’ under Principle VII of the Nuremburg Principles [A9]; (iii) ‘conduct ancillary to war crimes, crimes against humanity and / or genocide’ under section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act 2001 [A10]; (iv) ‘fundraising for purposes of terrorism’ under sections 15 or 17 of the Terrorism Act 2000 [A11]; (v) genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and/or aggression under Article 25.3(c) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court [A12] which states: 25.3 In accordance with this Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person: (c) For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission; (vi) Terrorism under section 15 (3) of the Terrorism Act 2000, which states: A person commits an offence if he— (a) provides money or other property, and (b) knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that it will or may be used for the purposes of terrorism. Summary The evidence in this case identifies: (1) errors in law by Havant Borough Council; (2) potential conflicts of law between the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and (i) the International Criminal Court Act 2001, (ii) the Terrorism Act 2000 and (iii) the Offences Against the Person Act 1861; (3) criminal offences against international and domestic law by Councillors and staff of Havant Borough Council, tax collectors, taxpayers and others. 1. In summary I am refusing to pay council tax because it is unlawful, wrong in both domestic and international law and will involve me as an accessory to war crimes and terrorism. 2. I respectfully request that the Justices reject Havant Borough Council’s application for a liability order on the grounds that it is unlawful, wrong in law and will involve the defendant in serious criminal offences. 3. I also respectfully request that whatever the decision of the court today, the Magistrates in their private capacities seek to view: 4. The BBC’s Panorama programme referred to above and at
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 21:23:21 +0000

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