Legal System The Hudson’s Bay Company owned a tenth of the - TopicsExpress


Legal System The Hudson’s Bay Company owned a tenth of the world’s land. The fur trade was how we conducted business and trade. The river system was the highway for trade. It was not a peace and tranquility situation the stakes were high. Making a living was hard and the land was brutal. There were fierce battles and entering into foreign territory was very risky. There were many children born into this world and the union between the newcomers and the Natives evolved over hundreds of years. There were few laws but the trade endured. There was a system of laws that came into the start of Canada. The court of the Queen. The laws that were imposed were designed to take over the land and has worked effectively. Treaty systems were forged and the reservation system was installed. The legal transfer of lands began. There were hundreds of years of intermarriage and the children of the mix were called Metis. The split between Metis and Native was developed using a legal system. Metis resisted and fought against the transfer of the land. Many refused a number and rejected the reservation system. The concept of full blood and Half Breed was introduced. The Metis were independent people and their culture has developed over hundreds of years. They survived the conflict. This very simplistic view of what happened is designed to show that the legal system is where the transfer of land is still being fought. The British Empire was built using the legal system to dominate the colonies. The Empire is dwindling but the laws remain. There are many lawsuits winding their way through the courts and we need to follow the results closely. We can involve everyone in the struggle by the use of social media. By collaboration we can focus our effort to gain land for the people. The ownership of a place you can call your own is a right that was taken. The struggle for existence was hard for those that moved to the city. The legal system has to be challenged and we need to focus our attention on the challenges of people that were displaced. I am alone at my computer but I believe that using social networking my single contribution will help in bringing change. The biggest weapon for change we have is education. Youth have to have the tools to survive and flourish. As we know more of the history the future can be bright. Developing a game plan is crucial. I started this page to bring together my family. We can’t just hire a lawyer and wait we need action. Too many of our kids are in jail. If they get a federal sentence they are very likely to join a gang. If they are in jail they must have access to mentors. Many in jail are there for substance abuse. The epidemic of people addicted is a subject we should connect and share to help bring change. This is an open invitation to provide a plan of attack. I think that if we approach the struggle like that of a video game we can work to climb different levels in the real world. We must connect to rediscover culture. We have to be aware of what is going on around us in the way of science. Biographies of our people are important. We must solve the problem of murdered and missing people. There are many areas that need attention. When you are at your computer a feed is important. We must train our young to make sure that the feed they get is positive. Parental controls are important. I use my personal computer to share a lot. You don’t have to be as aggressive as I am but like pages that interest you and join groups that are worthy of your attention. Like any game we are after land. I make no apologies for wanting a piece of land to call my own. Currency is a goal. If you are successful at the game you will be rewarded. There are many ways to make a buck online. The game is not limited to facebook. You can develop your world using the telephone. The idea is to connect and make small changes. Promote your friend and understand your enemy.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 23:49:05 +0000

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