Legal Way to Never pay e-toll fees By applying the following - TopicsExpress


Legal Way to Never pay e-toll fees By applying the following simple, legal, non-violent or mass action steps, the courts will pass judgement in the motorists favour. I will discuss the “DELAY OF PAYMENT STRATEGY” This system is not the results of an optimist overactive mind, but a legal strategy that has been totally successful where it has been applied in a number of European countries, where the motorists have been just as angry as us, when the Government has suddenly sprung, a punitive e-toll system on them. This is my form of a “TAX REVOLT”, to the increasing number of tax generating schemes this incompetent, corrupt, extravagant and wasteful, Government is devising to break the backs of the honest tax payer. I have simply had enough, and do not intend to bow to any further taxation, no matter how ingenious, or devious it may be. I am sure all citizens are fully behind me in this issue. If most of the country can freely strike whenever they feel they are unjustly being treated, why can’t I react in the same way. All motorists should by now know, that SANRAL has realised that the major factor that will lead to the success of e-tolling, is for every motorist to purchase an electronic e-tag. With this device, as soon as you pass through a gantry, your bank account will be immediately debited. i.e. As you pass a gantry, your cell-phone will bleep, indicating SANRAL deductions have been taken out of your bank account. What a perfect method of revenue collection. No hassle, no fuss, no accounts to be posted, no waiting for payment. Instant cash into their bank accounts. So obviously to make my scheme work, non purchase of an e-tag is essential. SANRAL realises it will be skating on thin ice, if the majority of Gauteng motorist adopt the postal billing system, due to the anticipated attitude of non-payment. To prevent this, they will inevitably get the Government to pass some, or all of the following LEGALLY PUNITIVE LEGISLATION to bully and intimidate the motorist into submission: 1) No Renewal of car licences 2) Stopped and fined by traffic police at specially set up roadblocks 3) Confiscation of your car until all toll fees have been paid 4) Get the driver blacklist with the credit bureau because of outstanding debt 5) Institute court action and criminal charges 6) Organise garnish orders on your salary 7) Implement of non-renewal of your driver’s license 8) Intimidation and threats by SANRAL thugs, that have been given the right of search and arrest etc. My method of legally delaying e-toll payments is extremely simple, yet completely successful, and wholly legal. 1) After the first 4-6 weeks of passing through toll gantries, send SANRAL a registered letter, expressing your concern, that for the last 4- 6 weeks you have not received a payment request from them. You must state that you are COMPLETELY willing to pay the toll fees, but this cannot be carried out without a detailed invoice. Unreliable postal services could be to blame, so please would they send you your invoice by registered mail, to ensure you receive it. (This is a fully legal AARTO requirement for any letter of demand.) Make a photocopy of your letter, get a COMMISSIONER OF OATHS to stamp the copy, and keep your registered mail receipt. Such a request could take months to be settled, and if you are fortunate, never at all due to the sheer volume of similar requests received. Should you finally receive a notification that a registered letter has arrived for you, take as long as possible to collect it. This method is based upon the fact that they do not use registered mail to send invoices. If one considers the past history of all traffic fines received, these all arrive by normal mail to prevent the high costs of registering letters. 2) Should SANRAL surprisingly, after a lengthy period, comply with (1) above, then send them a second CERTIFIED letter by registered post, requesting that they send you a photograph for every single gantry you have passed under for that month, proving that is was your car you that is being invoiced. (Perfectly legal and reasonable request from any motorist). Such photographs obviously, you must request to also be sent by registered mail to ensure delivery. Also take weeks to collect such registered mail, should it in the unlikely event, ever be posted. Explain that you have heard that certain motorists are using illegal false number plates and you therefore require the photographs to prove that it is definitely your car that is being charged. Such a request could take months to be settled, or if you are very fortunate, never. Consider the sheer volume of requests they should by now have received. If their system is not set up for such requests, which I am almost positive is the case. (Hope I am not wrong on this one) Can you imagine the difficulties and problem they will have, in trying to MANUALLY comply with the thousands upon thousands of similar requests received. To be really difficult, how about querying some of the less clear photographs taken at night. Even if they come back to you asserting that the photographs are in their opinion, all perfectly readable, further delays will have been successfully applied. 3) Should SANRAL try to speed up communications by requesting your e-mail or fax number, or send you SMS’s, or trying direct contact by phone, I have considered very simple ways of negating each of such requests. I am not mentioning any of these methods, as I want to keep this article 100% above board, and free of any questionable actions. 4) In the unlikely event that all the above somehow be resolved, than obviously pay, but only for that particular month under review. 5) Start the whole lengthy procedure all over again, 4-6 weeks after the termination of the second month’s toll fees due. Continue with the same, for every individual month that follows. 6) Let us see just how effectively SANRALS administrative system can handle 1 million or more, of such request each month. 7) SANRAL may eventually create a computerised system to deal with the above, but by then they will long have become totally in debt to the tune of billions, due to the voracious appetite of the local and overseas, salivating animals, that have been demanding their monthly profit share, as well as the enormous administrative costs accruing to SANRAL each month. I think by now, all of you fully understand my proposed legal delaying tactics. SANRAL will be a huge hungry beast, with an enormous staff base, with monthly salaries being nothing but horrendous. Starve the beast of regular income, and it has to die. The only other alternative will be, as with SAA, the Government will have to pump billions of rands into SANRAL on a regular basis, to keep it solvent. This is totally unacceptable, as SANRAL was supposed to generate billions, not consume billions to stay alive. Finally if any punitive legislative action is brought against you, you will be able to successfully fight this in a court of law, as you have always stated your full WILLINGNESS TO PAY, but have asked SANRAL to comply with certain LEGAL REQUESTS first. Any delays will be due to SANRALS inefficiency, or unwillingness to settle your perfectly reasonable requests. Off course, you must keep with you whenever you travel, the certified copies of all your letters sent to SANRAL, as well as the registered slip as proof of posting. What a perfect “WIN – LOSE” situation. Just how many readers of this article will use this technique, can only be evaluated with time. As I know the system has been completely successful where else it has been tried, I am certainly going to give it a try myself, and then monitor what SANRAL’s response is going to be. It must be mentioned here, that previous overseas techniques may not necessarily be exactly those given above, but possible other “delay of payment methods”, applicably to the situation and laws in their particular country. And finally, the final nail in SANRALS coffin. Just say that SANRAL miraculously, and against all odds, sets up a computer system to comply with all my requests above, I will then be in a situation of such confidence, through the very long period of non-payment, that I will revert back to Plan A, and bin all further legitimate request to pay fees. By this stage, all motorist can survey the degree of chaos and difficulty SANRAL has by then got itself into, and whether they will ever be able to carry out any of their original legislated punitive actions, threatened against the already over taxed and bleeding motorist.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:25:33 +0000

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